Chapter 1

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London, Englang.

It was raining, something that the British public are used to, but for one boy the rain wasn't his only problem. He was wanted... by MI6.

Commander Grannham looked coldy from the large bay window in the MI6 building, he had a cup of earl grey in his hand, much like every morning. He sat down at his mahogony desk placing his tea beside him. His laptop opened to reveal his e-mails. The expression on the commanders face grew ever sterner as he opened an email marked urgent. There was only a few times when e-mails were urgent, this is when you know that something is wrong!

The commander stormed out from his office, rampaging through the corridors then into the national meeting room. He had called upon the most important individuals in the UK and abroad, amoung of which was the priminister, the mayor of london and the chief of the nabouring organisation; MI5. "My computerwas shut down today after all of my files disappeared, this was not the work of MI6 but the work of a hacker!" Commander Grannham was known for his temper but even this was bad for him. You could see the sweat boiling on the commanders receeding hairline as he calms from the sudden rage. "Do we know whom is to hold guilty for this interception?" Mr Cameron retorted. 

"Yes, a boy of sixteen named Asa, Asa Butterfield, a local known actor, and now a hacker!" The commander was picking up his rege again, "everything gone, copied and gone. And it wasn't exactly holiday photos, it was the whole MI6 classified infomation data from 1995." The commander then took his seat, still fuming from the descussion. The whole room was silent, then a few minuits later the comander spoke; "descussion terminated, the hunt is on." He left as if he was sprinting for the olympics. The same day two cars arrived at Asa's home address in London. Two police men got out from each car and proceeded to the front of the property. The knocked harshly, wakening Asa from his Saturday sleep. His mother answered the door still looking half asleep, that's when Asa heard the words that would change his life...

This is the first chapter of many to come, please send requests to dictate the books outcome. Hope you enjoy. Updates will be every other day. MI6

Target Asa Butterfield. Shoot to killDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora