Chapter 7

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The guard put his finger on the trigger and pulled it. The noise deafened Asa for a while but there was no pain, infact nothing had changed, the same cell, with the same guard pointing a gun at him. "That was a blank, but next time you won't be so lucky." The gaurd then walked off, slaming the metal door behind him. Asa wondered how much more he could take; being wanted by MI6 then being shot, wanted by some organisation and now in a cold damp cell without a reason for being there.

Asa was still handcuffed unable to move very fast, but then in a cell of two meters by two meters there was'nt alot of moving to do. The cell door creeked open to discover the boss, Asa could see his face now; it was scared and burned. "You vill follow me." The boss turned and Asa followed. They went up a flight of stairs and then into a room. The whole building was like a prision that had been deserted for years. "Sit down, now" The boss snapped. "You will answer every question I ask you truthfully, because if you are lieing then you will end up like the others. The boss pointed to a bared window that lead to an ajoining room. There hung five corpses with blood all over them. There eyed had been removed but still hung down attached to their veins. Asa couldent look he was sickened by these people. "So Mr. Butterfield, how do you like our little hack of the MI6 database, and then you get the blame, uh?!" The boss smiled and then took a seat on the opposite side of the desk. "Very funny, but I don't know what you want from me, I'm only a school boy that likes to act." Asa had found sudden courage and then regreted the comment.

Asa knew he had to do something, he saw a telephone downstairs, if he could get to it he could call the police and tell them where he was. He might have been in a van where he coulden't see but looking outside of the window Asa knew exactly  where he was. Living in London all your life makes you know your way around and Asa, being a teenager, was allways exploring the backstreets. He knew he was in hershual road, just turn off the main road, go down mansville avenue and hey presto you get to the dump that Asa han enjured two hours in. A guard patroled the stairwell, another was standing outside the doorway and the other six were in the room. The boss made a ninth but he looked as if even breathing was too much for him. The scars on the bosses face sent shivers down Asa's spine as he turned away from the monster at the other side of the table. Even after a few minuits the boss had'nt replied to Asa's comment. Then he spoke; "Look, if you want I can put you in the room next door, exactly like the others. So if I was you I would just ansver za questions!" Amoment of rage from the boss left the guards looking suprised. 

London, MI6.

The slim director walked briskly into Commander Grannhams office and sat down uninvited. "I don't see your problem, you misaccuse a young boy of hacking your computers and then just leave him to fend for himself against the people that framed him for their crime. We need to find Asa and the culprits responsible." The director sat back in her chair, smug from her well performed rant about the hacking. "Why do you care so much about this boy, why don't you focus on the hackers?!"

"Because, I knew what it is like for someone of his age to be mixed up in all of this, I care because I am a mother!"

"WHAT, you are a mother, you kept that one quiet!"

"Well when I say I am a mother, I mean I used to be but I lost my baby at birth, there was complications and the baby died, my partner left, it was too much for him." A tear had come to the directors eye but she remained sat in the chair.

"Well, I am sorry, I compleatly understand, I will get out a search party for the criminals, look for Asa and check CCTV." The commander had been defeated by the heart felt stroy of the director.

The bosses prison, London.

Asa ran, there was a large bang as the table turned over and the guards jumped at the sudden noise . Asa was the quickest in his school at running and it seemed that it had done the trick as Asa flew down the stairwell and to the telephone, but then it dawned on him, there was'nt enough time to call the police. He ran for the door, suprised that no one had caught him Asa bounded for the next street. 

A huge man appeared from the corner of the street. By this time Asa had skipped over his hands, allowing him to run with his hands infront of him but he was'nt going anywhere, the man had a knife, a large knife like a machetti. He held it to Asa's face and pined him against the wall...

This was a pritty dark and sad chapter , I hope you are enjoying the book. MI6

Please comment on what you think so far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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