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1. Oceans cover 70 percent of the Earth's surface.
2. Plastic waste kills up to one million sea birds, 100,000 sea mammals and countless fish each year.
3. There are about 4,000 coral reef fish species worldwide, accounting for approximately a quarter of all marine fish species.
4. The Great Barrier Reef, measuring 2,000 km in length, is the largest living structure on Earth. It can be seen from the Moon.
5. Average sea level has risen between 10 cm and 25 cm in the past 100 years. If all the world's ice melted, the oceans would rise by 66 meters.
6. The deep sea is the largest museum on Earth: There are more artifacts and remnants of history in the ocean than in all of the world's museums, combined.
7. We have only explored less than 5 percent of the Earth's oceans. In fact, we have better maps of Mars than we do of the ocean floor (even the submerged half of the United States).
8. The largest ocean on Earth is the Pacific Ocean, it covers around 30
9. 10,000 years ago, every human's eyes were brown until someone living by the Black Sea developed a genetic mutation turning brown eyes blue.
10. Indian Ocean is 300 feet below average sea level, whereas the North Atlantic is 200 feet above sea level. Sea levels are not the same throughout the world!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2016 ⏰

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