No Bath

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Three Days After Moving to Dallas Texas....

"Tony get back here!"Valentina called to her son.

The boy ran from his mother happily. He was in nothing but his boxers. He didn't want to get in the bath. At least not yet. He just wanted to play with his toys some more.

"No bath yet!"the Mexican boy yelled as he ran in the living room. His father chuckled when he saw his son running from his wife.

He watched as his wife lunged at at their son. Instead of catching him, she landed on her stomach. The cause of this was that Tony dodged to the right, and ran up the stairs to his bedroom.

"You have to be quicker than that, Val"Marko retorted. Val rolled her caramel eyes.

"Oh shut up"she scowled. Marko lightly laughed. She got up and sprinted up the stairs.

"Tony!"Val called her son. She heard the boy giggle from his room. His room was Star Wars based. He had a Star Wars blanket, and a Star wars pillow. Along with a few posters taped to his light blue wall.

She scanned the room. She knew he was in here. But where? She then heard a cute little giggle from the closet. She smirked as she inched closer to the closet very slowly, and quietly. She put her hand on the cool golden knob.

She quickly swung it open, to see her son buried under bags of clothes.

"Got'cha!"she whispered as she picked up Tony from the armpits. She smiled as he squirmed around in her hands.

"No bath!"he shouted as she carried him down the stairs. "Daddy help me!"

"Nope"Marko answered while smiling at his son. "You need to be cleaned after playing in mud all day"

"I was making mud pies"he stated to his parents. "For dessert"

"Um yeah, Tone we wasn't going to eat that at all"his mother giggled as she turned her son upside down.

"Why not?"he questioned her curiously.

"Because it has icky stuff in it"she answered her son, while flipping him right side up. "Like worms and bugs"

"Ew"the boy whined. He stared into his mother's beaming eyes. Valentina was happy to have this bundle of joy. Despite that the last two days was very depressing for him, because he left his best friend, Mike, back in San Diego. He missed Mike. He wish he can be here to play with him.

The two were partners in crime. They always bugged Mike's older brother, Vic. Along with his bestfriend, Jaime, who also bugged the boys and Vic. Tony wished the three were here. For he can hear Jamie's jokes once more, Vic telling him to shut the hell up, and Mike laughing his but off.

He remembered a week ago the four was on his couch eating pizza and watching Percy Jackson: The Lightening Theif. Through out the whole movie you can hear Jamie making jokes on the creatures and characters. The three giggled softly at the boy's comments. By the time the movie was over, they all fell a sleep. Oh, he was going to miss those days.

"Lets get'cha into the bathtub"his mother said, while pecking him on his chubby cheeks.

He pouted cutely at his mother. "But Mommy....if I get into the bath, that means its bedtime after. And I'm not tired"

She sighed with a smile still plastered on her face. "What are we gonna do with you? My little Chewbacca"

He giggled when she nuzzled her head in his neck. She smiled at how she made her son happy once more.

"Okay, how about we let you play half hour more....AFTER the bath"Val asked sweetly but also a little sternly.

"Alwight!"he cheered happily. He through his arns around his mommy's neck.

How can a happy little boy like Tony Perry become so depressed over the three years he left California?

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