random hetalia idea!!!

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setting- at the beach, canada is collecting shells and sealand and england are eating hotdogs italy and germany are just entering the beach

england- hey sealand want to go make fun of america ?

sealand- um, sure!

canada- im canada ! =(

italy- PASTA-------------------------!!!!!!!

germany- shut up italy! you have been yelling that for the whole hours ride here! ( walks over to canada )

italy- (whispers) pasta----!

canada- germany, relax! were at the beach! its a day off! have fun!

germany- pfft! whatever.

canada- ya know what? go throw a german sparkle party! we dont need your negativity!  ( whispers) i hope you wore your rubber boots

germany- that was a one time thing! i cant even dream of how that obnoxious video got on you tube! and america, you sicken me with the idea of bringing that up!

canada- IM CANADA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

italy- can i say something?

( every one ) WHAT!!!!!!

italy-  ( yells as loud as he can ) PASTA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

( germany and canada go back to fighting )

canada- your just jealous of me !!!

germany- am not !!! why would i be ?!!!!!

canada- yeah, i know that you want to be canadian! ( sings )

germany-  ( very angry now ) PLEASE! YOU ARE AN IDIOT !!!

( france walks up ) france- hey guys, i brought pier !!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2012 ⏰

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