Chapter 5

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My mother went out of her comfort zone just for me to have the life I wanted.
She searched high and low to find my dad. she met up with some of his old friends and got his address.
She dressed me and put pretty clips in my hair. I was so happy.
I'll finally meet my dad I wonder how he looks.
His friends told mommy that he lived in the second house after the police station.
We walked to the gate and there was a fat lady there.
So mommy put on her polite voice and "hi is prento here?".
The lady then smiled and said no he just stepped out".

"Can you call him on his phone" mom asked. So she did "he is on his way she told us".
"Who are you to my brother? She asked curiously. "I'm his baby mother and this is his daughter" mom replied.
"Mama come around the front quick" she yelled in disbelief.
So the lady came and she told her what mom had said, she then called us inside and asked some questions.
Like how old was I, why he didn't tell her about me .... Even when she told her she didn't believe.
She got upset and told us that she would tell off ket.
That's what she called him.
It was his real name they talked for a while then ket ... I mean prento yea him daddy came.
Everybody stood quite.
By the looks of his face he was afraid of his mother.
He stood there for a while then he said "what are you doing here you and your pickney?" They both argued and I just stood there. His mother told them to both stop. She came up with a reasonable solution. She asked him if I was his child and he looked at all of us and then said yes.

Fatherless By Petagay McKenzieWhere stories live. Discover now