The poem that never rhymed

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A/N: Okay so, I'm not really a poet. I don't really have that kind of skill. However I got inspired by these two slam poets Sarah Kay and Phil Kaye(do check them out on youtube btw) and I decided to try it out. And who better to get feedback from other than you guys.. Anonymous people who don't know my first name. Please try reading it till the end and let me know.. Thanks!! XO

It wasn't very long after I was born.

She hadn't been around for too long either.

It wasn't love at first sight.

She looked like a tiny matchstick on fire.

I was a blubbering mess.

Still convinced they were going to kidnap me,

Yet not too sure who 'they' were.

Our eyes met, but I couldn't give a damn about her bright smile.

I was a tad too busy with my own predicament.

It wasn't love at first sight.

She ran over to me.

Her toothy smile way too bright.

It was only natural I turned the other side.

On that first day of school, she sat beside me.

The curious glances never stopped, but at some point my fear did.

Fast forward a few days, I'm still wary of the girl who smile too bright.

When she came over with a few more of her smiles,

A few others joined her.

My eyebrows reacted first and joined in suspicion.

Her 'hey' was warm and when she introduced herself,

I whispered my name quietly.

Every day she'd sit beside me

My words increased by geometric progression

And soon we were chattering up a storm.

When I told her about my fears, she laughed,

A strange tinkering laugh that evaporated my fears as quick as a hiccup.

I couldn't seem to understand that the laugh was at my expense,

'Cuz pretty soon I joined in too.

It wasn't love at first sight, I repeat

But maybe it was friendship at first glance.

In a months time, we were inseparable.

I shared one strand of my ramen noodles

While she gave me the crusts of her jam sandwich.

We fed our lunches to the beloved ravens

And bonded over who would throw the last bit.

When fever took her in the middle of a history class,

I ran up and down 4 floors to lend her my wet handkerchief.

She abandoned her flat race competition to take care of my bruised knee and heart.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that..

She was the sister I never had.

Then we grew up.

One too many revolutions around the sun

And we each hooked on to seperate planets.

Middle school ended too fast.

When she would repeatedly collide with the dry wall attempting to fly off to Hogwarts,

I would fantasize of The Famous Five.

Our cells kept on replicating multifactorially

And we kept on growing apart.

Schools changed and colleges pushed us to opposite sides.

It wasn't love at first sight,

But it was love alright.

Our teachings were noble and wise.

She taught me not to throw potato chips at ants,

And I taught her that not every moving cloud is a spaceship.

Friend.. I still love you like the sister I never had

But it's okay that we are no longer friends.

It's alright that we're spinning in our own solar systems.

Maybe that's what makes this friendship so special.

Brevity after all does make things more beautiful.

I still treasure the filthy stone we dug out of mud and named it a diamond.

Don't worry, when others call it a piece of marble, my eyes still reject the word.

I have a lot of friends now.

I'm no longer that blubbering mess,

Yet I still haven't discovered a smile as bright as yours.

But if I ever slip through a worm hole into your galaxy and solar system,

I shall wrap my arms around you, arms that have never forgotten you,

And I'd whisper "thank you" .

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2016 ⏰

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