Siblings with benefits

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HI, I'm Bo the star of the football team sister. And that is Harry styles, Harry styles is my big brother. He pretty much puts me under his wing, he is the best brother you will ever have. He is protective, loving, caring. brother you will ever have. And if I get mad at him it never last long. but if I'm mad at him it is over stupid stuff. But the thing he is more then my than my brother. You see it is hard to explain, but

I love him. Way more than a brother and sister way. And I think that he doesn't like me back that way, maybe he does I'm not sure. But one thing I am sure about is that my love for him is different from others. I had dreams about him.

And whenever I'm with him I get butterflies in my Tummy.

As you can see we have the best relationship any brother and sister ever have.

This is why I love him dearly.

Siblings with Benefits a Harry styles love storyWhere stories live. Discover now