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"So, I'm going to cover that big tree in fairy lights and put a bench underneath it for people to sit on," Natalie chattered.

When she asked me to come round her house this morning, I didn't realise I'd be helping her plan a party she wanted to throw. Saying this, Natalie is such a control freak that she had already planned pretty much everything so I all I had to do was sit on this ridiculously comfortable sofa and nod as she rambled on about drinks, snacks and decorations.

"Get up, Thea!" She whined, slapping my knee.

I did as she said and followed her back into her bedroom. The walls were covered in various magazine cut outs, posters and pictures of Natalie with friends. Fairy lights were draped all over the room and her bed was covered in multiple different shapes, size and coloured cushions. Her carpet was a fluffy white which made me anxious to step on it in the fear I would get it dirty.

"No offence, Nat, but why did you invite me to help when you've already sorted out everything?" I questioned.

"I haven't sorted out everything! I haven't even decided what drinks to serve yet. I saw this recipe on Pinterest for strawberry lemonade vodka or candy floss champagne! Which one do you think?" She said excitedly, flicking to pictures of both drinks in her very full ring binder that was dedicated to this party.

"Honestly Natalie I think you're going a bit overboard. Just buy a couple bottles of vodka and some beers and people will be happy." I dismissed, dropping down onto her perfectly made bed and crossing my legs.

"That's so boring though Thea. I want people to remember my party as one of the best, not one that blends in with all the others." She whined, joining me on her bed.

"After about five drinks, nobody will remember anything anyway and as cool as strawberry lemonade candy floss sounds-"

"Strawberry, lemonade vodka and candy floss champagne." Natalie corrected, cutting me off.

"Whatever," I sighed. "What I'm trying to say is, you're hosting for a bunch of 17 and 18 years olds not the bloody Queen!"

"I guess you're right." She looked down in disappointment, blowing dramatically out of her mouth.

"Anyway, enough about parties. I want to ask you something!" I said. Natalie looked up at me through her eyelashes, obviously intrigued. "Nate said that you have rules for the group to follow, what are these rules?"

"Oh my goodness!" She squealed, slamming her ring binder shut and bouncing up and down on the bed in excitement. "Okay, now that you're apart of our group you have to promise to follow these rules. If you break them, I will get angry. Promise, Thea!"

"Okay, I promise." I responded, trying my hardest not to giggle at her trying to be threatening.

"Good! So, the first rule is that you must attend every single group outing this includes shopping trips, lunches, parties, anything! You must be there, no exceptions!" She warned, pointing one finger at me.

"What if I was on my death bed in hospital?" I challenged only to receive a displeased look from Natalie in return.

"Well, that leads me onto the next rule. If anyone in the group is unwell we must all come together to make them feel better," I nodded my head in approval, sounds like reasonable rules so far. "Rule number three is no arguments between anyone, it causes too much drama and people will take sides. It'll make the whole group fall apart. Are you with me so far?"

"Yes, sir!" I answered with a salute although secretly feeling guilty for already breaking rule number three. I've only known Nate for a week and we've already argued multiple times.

"Good. There's one more rule. I really wish I could think of another because five rules is a more rounder number than four, you know?" She rambled. "Anyway, the last rule is no dating each other!"

"Why not?"

"Because that'll make things awkward, the last thing we need is a couple making out over lunch. Gross! And what if they broke up? Then it would be super awkward in the group and we'd eventually fall apart kinda similar to the whole arguments thing except, much worse!" Natalie stated.

"I guess that makes sense."

"Thank you for being so understanding! Some people think the rules are stupid." She sighs.

"Like who?"

"Amy," Natalie mumbles, I look at her waiting for an explanation. "She won't admit it to anyone but she has a huge crush on Nate."

Rule BreakersWhere stories live. Discover now