Travels and dreams

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I finally got to meet the man of my dreams and he turned out to be all I ever wanted and more.

Everything started several years ago with my best friend. God knows how long it took her to convince me to tag along with her on some European pilgrimage she had gotten into her head. Oh well, looking back now, I guess I can thank her for starting it all...

We've know each other as long as we can remember. Both of us had grown up, complete opposites, yet shared the same dreams. My best friend, Joslynn was always the risk taker. Before we'd graduated high school, she'd been out of the country over five times, traveling to wherever she felt like she needed to be. She had the biggest puppy dog eyes anyone can image. They were the type that could convince you to do whatever she wanted, no matter how ridiculous.

Those begging eyes are part of the reason I ended up on that plane to Italy that day. What possibly could have been the worst day of my life flipped to become the most freeing experience I'll ever have.

Okay, I'm getting ahead of myself. So several years ago, it started out as just an ordinary day at work until....

"Fired? You must be joking!" I exclaimed. My boss had brought me into his office to avoid anyone hearing this conversation. With how loud I was, I wouldn't be surprised if all of Manhattan heard me!

"Clearly you've overlooked the countless hours and extra labor I do for you and this company!" I said, fuming.

"I understand you're upset, but a new software system is being installed and it'd be much too hard to re-teach you everything using it, so I'm afraid we have to hire someone that is already aquatinted with it, which leaves you out of a job," my boss trailed off at the end of his sentence.

"Well you have another thing coming if you think that I'm-" I was interrupted.

"Hello?" My boss, aka Mr. Jackass, answered his Bluetooth amidst my ranting. "No, I'm not busy.... How exactly is everything going with that? Did they apply the ointment like it says on the box-" I snagged the earpiece from his head and slammed it against the wall, shattering it to pieces. His jaw hit the floor, and he couldn't look away from me.

"And now that I have your attention..." With all the grace and dignity I had, I picked up my messenger bag and secured it over my shoulder. As I got to the door to leave his office, I turned around, with his full attention still on me, both of my middle fingers shot up, and words can't describe how long I've waited to do that. After flipping my Ex-boss off, I went to my car, drove down the road, and made it about half a mile until I pulled over into a McDonald's parking lot and broke down. Tears wouldn't stop streaming as hurt and confusion overtook me.

Joslynn, being the best friend ever, drove up and got there in minutes. We spent the next couples hours talking things over, cussing out bosses, and making plans for the future.

"Oh my gosh! Now you don't have a job to keep you from going to Europe with me! Please say you'll come!" Joslynn begged and begged for me to accompany her.

"You leave in two days, how on earth am I supposed to get a seat, let alone one with you," I said, making excuses.

"You know my brother works in ticketing and can change any seat order around last minute. Plus, he can upgrade us to first class. Please! I need my best friend with me," her bottom lips stuck out as she pleaded and began to fake sob all over me.

"If I say I'll go, will you cut it out?!" I half yelled at her.


"Fine then, I guess I have no reason to not go," I rolled my eyes, knowing I was getting into something way over my head.

"AHH! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!" Joslynm hugged me from the seat next to me in that McDonald's dining area. After several stares, we decided it was time to head home, so we parted ways.

Still rather bummed about losing my job, I put on the coziest pajamas I own and sunk into a ball on my plush couch in my downtown New York apartment. My job had made a boatload of money, and now what was I supposed to do? I haven't job hunted since I graduated college with my masters! Everything about this just sucked... Maybe Europe will hold some new and life changing adventures....


"Joslynn! There you are!" I yelled to my lifelong friend from security. She was sitting inside the gate, apparently wondering where I was. Late, as per usual.

She tucked her magazine away and waited for me behind security. I almost lost my beanie as I ran up to her. After spending all of yesterday packing, I finally convinced myself that this was the trip of a life time and I needed to buck up. After hours of waiting, I boarded the airplane terminal with Joslynn. Her brother had indeed upgraded us to some of the best seats on the plane. A chair in first class had it's own private cubical. The chair reclined and food was all at the ready, along with tons of magazines and a personalized tv. I didn't use mine, just plugged in my laptop instead. A movie with my favorite actor ought to help this grueling ride go by faster. I popped in Warhorse, a movie that never failed to make me cry, but always excited me to see Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston in one movie.... But mostly Benedict.

There wasn't a thing about this man that I didn't love. Only eight years older than me, I couldn't help but adore his deep, sultry voice. Something about his quirky smile was also enticing to me. The color of his eyes were distinctly my favorite over all the others. Sparkling emerald green by day, and a fierce gray in the dark. I may have gone a little mad in my day, but I don't think there's a movie out there that he's in that I haven't seen. Every time he speaks, I fall back under his spell.

I drifted off to sleep, laying down in first class. Guns from the movie burst over my headphones, causing my dreams to run a muck. Suddenly, I was standing alone, amidst a field of bloody bodies. I heard cannons booming all around and the dust of the earth was rising, making it impossible to see anything. Just as I'm about to surrender, an army clad Benedict bursts trough the haze on horseback, grabbing my hand, and slinging me onto the horse's saddle, behind him. I opened my mouth to shout something of victory when I was shaken by Benedict, hard on my upper right shoulder. I shoved him off, but he was relentless, saying my name over and over.

"Elizabeth!" Joslynn shook me from my deep slumber. "Are you okay?" She asked, in a hushed voice but sounding urgent.

"Yes, and thank you for ruining my wonderful dream of Benedict Cumberbatch!" I tried to whisper for the sake of others, but it was still rather loud.

"Oh man... Was it one of 'those' kinds of dreams?" Joslynn winked, implying dirtiness.

"No, he saved me from utter doom, and I never got the chance to repay him..." I looked at her with a cheeky smile.

"Maybe once we land in London, you two will meet, fall in love, and then you can thank him all you want," Joslynn said in a mocking, yet tired voice. "And, once you have Benedict wrapped around your finger, promise you'll introduce me to Tom because that man is beautiful..."

"Yeah, they both are,"

"Who knows, anything is possible in Europe," Joslynn said while yawning.

"Yeah, maybe...." I replied and rolled back over, trying to make myself dream of him again.

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