Chapter 1

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Alexis's POV

It has been almost a year since my father was thrown in jail and so much has happened. Because of the years of mental and physical abuse he did to me I now go to therapy twice a week and I live with Romy and Damian. Damian has helped me through so much and continues to be a wonderful friend and boyfriend. Thankfully its also my senior year and its march so I only have three more months left until I'm home free.

Everyone at school knows what hapened and the bullying has mostly stopped but sometimes I do get pushed around but Damian is always there to save me and threaten the person that hurt me or is bullying me.

Cassandra and Randy transfered to a college alot closer to home, she told Randy he didn't have to come too but he did anyway not wanting to be away from her which I thought was the cutest thing ever.

Ever since my father got thrown in prison I have been able to relax alot easier but I do sometimes have flashbacks and relapse. I was once close to attenpting suicide again but Damain once again saved me before I even had the chance to.

Ashley has also been there for me, after she got out of the hospital she lived with us for a little while before getting her own apartment a couple blocks over. She broke up with Anthony and is getting help from the police so that he wont come after her.

Today was Cassandra's 21st birthday and we were getting our hair dyed, mine was changing to purple and hers to red. Damian decided to dye his hair back to its original brown color but I still loved his hair either way.

"Now Cassy dont get too drunk tonight, I don't think Randy wants to bring home a drunk girlfriend." I say to her and she rolls her eyes sticking her tongue out. "Oh please like he hasn't already done that before. I mean, we are in college" She jokes but I roll my eyes anyway.

"Just don't get drunk tonight." I say because I was so excited for tonight because I knew there was gonna be something big because I helped with it. She sighs dramatically "Oh fine but when you're 18 this weekend I'm taking you to a club." She says and I make a face. Our birthdays were very close together and I was kinda nervous about the fact I would he 18 but really excited at the same time.

"There is no way in hell I am going to a club." The thought of being around so many people and guys that have no respect for women disgusts me. "I don't mean a trashy club that is crampt and with perverts. I mean a club with really good music and you can hang out with Damian." Our hairdresers wash our hair separately si that was the end if the conversations at that moment but we could continue it when they were blow drying and styling it.

"Its still a club regardless and you know my taste in music, I don't think theres anywhere here in town that has good music." I continue and she sighs. "But Alex, you never know it could he fun." I debate and know that she will just keep begging until I say yes.

"Fine but I better be getting a really good gift from you." I warn and she squeals. "Yes! I'm sure you wont regret it." I give her a doubtful look and notice that her hair looks really cool. "You should have dyed your hair like Ash's then you two could really be twins." I tease. Turns out Ash and Cassy were a lot more alike than we thought.

Sometimes they would finish each other sentences or be thinking the same exact thing and I mean like random things. They could be thinking about puppies for no reason and both at the same time start randomly talking about puppies, I really do think they are twins.

"That would NOT help the whole twin thing." She says since they both get a little annoyed by it sometimes but we all know they secretly like it. Our hair is done and I smile when I see my new purple hair. We pay and head to the car. "Will you help me get ready like always?" She asks and I nod.

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