Chapter 11

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Damian's POV

There seemed to be something wrong with her before she left, but it looked as though she was trying her hardest to hide it. I just thought it was the whole Katrina's sister thing which was understandable, but she needed to go back into counseling as soon as possible. I knew she had lied to me, that was the one thing I just couldn't understand. She rarely lies to me, maybe I'm just looking way to much into it and she was just sparing my feelings about the Katrina's sister thing.

I only knew she was lying because I called Ash today to see if she wanted to hang out and she said she had to work, ill have to talk to her about it when she gets back. I was simply sitting in my room with Peanut on my lap, the only time she ever sits with me is when Alex isn't here. Even though I knew she wasn't going to be with Ash I still expected for her to text me so that I wouldn't worry, the only place she would be is at the park. Ever since that had been her place to relax so when she got there I would think she would text me.

But by the time I looked at the time again it was late and pretty dark out, now this really worried me. The park from here was only about fifteen minutes by walking, I felt terrible that I had lost track of time. To make sure she was ok I tried calling her, one ring, two rings, three, four. "Alex please pick up." I whisper to myself as I hear another three rings. "Hello I'm busy right now, please leave a message." My eyes widened, there was something wrong. She always picks up when she hears my ringtone, knowing that I will start to worry something happened.

I'm about to call again when I hear the front door slam open. "Damian!" It confused me to hear Tony but that terrified me at the same time. I rush down the stairs, almost tripping because I was skipping steps to get down faster. I felt my heart stop when I saw Alexis limp in his arms, I rush up and gently take her from him. "What happened?" I snap, I felt guilty after but I couldn't help myself when I saw Alexis unconscious.

I bring her over to the couch and gently set her down. "I was getting out of work at the coffee shop and I heard running, someone run pasts me and I realized it was Alexis. I tried calling her name but she completely ignored me and kept running even though there was no one chasing after her. She kept trying to lose me by turning every corner but when I eventually grabbed her arm and pulled her to a stop she..." He paused and walked over to the couch, it was obvious he was just as worried as I was. For once maybe even more.

"She screamed at the top of her lungs and started struggling, for a moment even after I turned her around to let her know it was me she still screamed. After looking at my face for a moment she stopped screaming and hugged me, she was hyperventilating so I sat her on the ground and helped her calm down and breath correctly. I didn't ask her what happened because she looked both mentally and physically drained, I picked her up and she passed out."

It was still odd to hear him talk so much but it was good to know the little amount that he knew, I put a blanket on him as Peanut waddles over and jumps up onto the couch to cuddle into her. "Did you see if she was hurt at all?" I ask quietly, not taking my eyes off of her. "No, I was to busy trying to catch her and then calm her down." I simply nod. I move the blanket and lite her sleeves, sighing at all of the deep scratches with caked blood and bright red welts. I had a funny feeling that she didn't go to the park.

"Can you go get the first aid kit from the bathroom?" I ask Tony, feeling defeated because I hadn't been there to help her. But part of me thought that she hadn't done this to herself purposely, they were to sporadic. When Tony gets back I take the first aid kit from him and he sits down next to me. I take out alcohol wipes and wipe away the dried blood, it almost looked like she used something but there scratches were too jagged.

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