Chapter 15

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(Tyler):I was surrounded by sons of Iapetus who had the scythes next to them. So far I froze 10. We had 59 Titan warriors to fight. Emma stood right beside me as she caused explosions on Titan warriors which we were now down to 54 Titan Warriors.

"Continue turning them to statue.",Emma said

Selina continued to electrically shock them and Lucy used her supernova sword which made it easy since they got knocked out.

(Kara):I was in battle with 3 sons of Hyperion. Terra was already waiting to freeze them. We were now on 40 members. I also had a powerful sword that was handed down from Hades. It was a sword that whatever it touched that someone will die. I knocked two out with lightning. Terra froze the two. Megan burned the last one. Victoria knocked him out. Violet also burned him. I hit the death sword.

"You had it on you.",Terra said

"You got Hades's prized weapon?",Victoria said

"Yep.",I said

"Cool.",Violet said knocking out more of the army

    At last we won the war. Some surrendered to the army. We remained victorious. The Titan Warriors will probably have to pay the price by the God Hades in the Fields of Punishment or go to Tartarus. Tyler walked over to me. He kissed me and it lasted so long.

"I love you.",He said

"I love you too.",I said

He gave me a wedding ring.

"Will you marry me?",He asked

"Sure.",I said

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2016 ⏰

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