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So... I was tagged by my sister, BEB273 . This is my first tag so be kind. I'm not exactly sure how tagging other people works cause most have already been tagged but okay.

Rules first!
1. Share five facts about yourself.
2. You can't post in a comment or a reply.
3. Complete tag within a week.
4. Mention rules.
5. You can't back out.
6. Tag 15 people.

Okay, let's do this.

1. Despite the fact I haven't written a fantasy story on wattpad, I'm a fantasy writer at heart.

2. I have two sisters on wattpad. Their names are BEB273 and AllisonBunke . Check them out!

3. My dog, Frisky, was put down a few weeks ago.😥

4. I don't like bananas even though one of my nicknames is Hannah Banana.

5. I love voltage Mountain Dew.

There, five facts. Now for the tags. I only know six people on wattpad and I know two have already been tagged but I'm gonna tag them anyway.


And... Done.

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