Obey Me

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This relationship has never lacked thrill.

A Hakuoki Fanfiction

Rating: Mature (18+)

Pairings: Keisuke Sannan x Fem!Reader

"Sannan-san, I thought you could use some tea." You said softly, closing the sliding door behind you.

"Ah," he smiled, "Thank you very much."

You carefully carried the tray over to his workstation when he'd been sitting for the last 6 hours. He peeked over the rim of his glasses as you poured a cup of tea for the two of you, waiting on you to hand him his cup.

"Do you think it's time for a break?" he asked, staring into the cup. The arising steam fogged the lenses of his glasses though he didn't seem to mind it one bit.

You smiled softly, giving away the answer to his question.

The brunette chuckled softly, "I'm finally getting the hang of your subtle hints."

Sannan had a habit of overexerting himself when he got really passionate about something, especially when he'd had all the resources he needed from the beginning. He didn't want to stop until he'd completed his projects and while you respected that part of him it also worried you. But you'd known to be careful with the way to went about confronting him. Subtlety was your best friend.

"So," you began, "how is it coming along?"

He took a sip of his tea and took a deep breath, "There is no more that can be done, I believe. It is now complete."

Your eyes sparkled at hearing those words, "Congratulations!"

The secretary-general chuckled at your expression, "Not quite. I'm unsure if it is affective or not just yet."

"Hm? Then, when do you plan on testing it?" you asked glancing over at his workstation. Your eyes dancing across the many test tubes and beakers until your gaze rested on a small vile of purplish liquid.

Sannan's eyes narrowed at you, something lingered behind that gaze but the smile of his face made it hard to tell what it was.

"Soon enough."

You nodded. There were so many questions you wanted to ask about his new 'medicine' though you were sure that he'd evade your questions until he was certain of its effects. You both sat their quietly after he'd given his response.

"____, would you like to be my test subject?" he asked suddenly.

Your eyes widened with shock and you were wondered if you'd heard him correctly. He wanted to text something on you when he hadn't even told you what it was meant for anyway?

"S-Sannan-san..." You whispered.

"You're always going on and on about how you want to be helpful to my work." He tilted his head and leaned toward you with a grin, "This could help me a great deal."

His voice was so low and soft that it sent shivers down your spine. He was so close you could smell mint on his breath from the tea. You cast your glance to the floor, contemplating your next words. He reached over to the table but you didn't bother to look up until he spoke up again.

"I was only kidding, ___." He smiled, "Here, drink your tea before it gets cold."

He carefully handed you the cup, your hands casually brushing against his.

"Thank you." You whispered.

Sannan nodded before turning back to his workstation, beginning to clean his mess a bit. You had taken a few big gulps of your now lukewarm tea, finishing off the last of it so that you could assist him. You carefully placed your empty cup on the tea tray. You glanced up to see that the vile that'd caught your attention was now gone.

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