#2-your Keek

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#2)- Your keek


He came and surprised you at work. You didn't realize it was him when he went up to the order counter "Hi welcome to Nandos, what can I get for you?" He laughed, "See guys (Y/N) is so clueless to her surroundings, she didn't even know her own boyfriend was here!" You looked up and blushed "Hi Ashton, hi keek!" You have a thumbs up and then the time ran out


Calum picked you up from your house for date night. "(Y/N) open up keek and let's make one on the way to dinner!" He suggested. You started the keek "Hi everyone, my boyfriend wanted us to make a keek! But I have no clue what to say!" You looked over at Calum, he turned on the radio and you both started singing along for the rest of the 30 seconds.


It was your daily Skype date with Luke. You had been feeling under the weather for a week now and you weren't getting any better. Luke pulled out his phone and started to make a keek "Hey everybody, could you do me a favor and tweet my girlfriend (Y/N). She isn't feeling very well! Her twitter is (Y/T/N)!" He turned the camera to face you, "Say hi (Y/N)" you do a little wave "Thanks everyone!"


You and Michael were out shopping. You decided to make him try on the most ridiculous clothing you could find. Half way through his impromptu fashion show you pull out his phone and started to make a keek. "Say hi to keek, babe!" You start to giggle. "(Y/N) you are not recording this are you?" Michael had on pink leggings and a strapless zebra bra. "Oh yes I am! Hope everybody enjoyed this, Michael is going to kill me now so byeee!"

ι тαĸe ιмαɢιɴe reqυeѕтѕ, ɴoт αll oғ тнιѕ ιѕ мy worĸ. || тυмвlr || ~Angie

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