welp i got tagged again

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Tagged by NamjinIsLyfe

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Tagged by NamjinIsLyfe

1.How are you?
I'm tired but good

2.What is the stupidest thing you've done?
I've stolen like 15 packs of gum and a candy bar from circle k

3.Are you fluent in more than one language?

4.What other languages do you speak? (Continuation question)
I'm fluent in French and English

5.Would you marry your bias for love or fame?
I would marry my bias for love

6.Do you wear braces and/or glasses?
I wear glasses and I have to get braces soon

7.Are you going back to school soon?
Yes I'm going back next week


9.Do you think I'm awkward?

10.I've been thinking about writing a fanfic although I probably won't do it. What kind of fanfic should I write?
I think you should write a namjin one where it's a few years after their debut for bts and they figure out they love each other but they have to keep it a secret but then someone finds out and threatened to tell on them if they don't do whatever that person wants(this probably makes no sense but it just came of the top of my head)

11.Would you come to me for advice even if it's not the best?
Yea I would

12.Donald trump or Hilary Clinton?
I don't like either but I'm just gonna say Hilary(don't hate me)

13.Do you think you'll float around even in my dreams?
Idk what that means but probably not(sorry?)

My 13 questions

1.when is your birthday?

2.what would you do if you and your ultimate bias were the last people on earth?

3.If you ever met your bias,what would you say?

4.what is your favorite movie?

5.who do you want to be like when your older?

6.what is the most fun you've ever had?

7.do you have any pets?

8.whats your favorite color?

9.what type(s) of music do you like?

10.whats your favorite type of book?

11.can you draw?

12.if you could spend one day with your bias,what would you do?

13.whats your favorite song?

I tag:


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