Run And Go:: Preview

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A/N: Another preview for a draft I had. I'm not too sure about this one, so five votes and five comments and I'll start writing this one for real.



Tyler, an escaped mental patient hides in Josh's storage shed without Josh knowing.

Chapter one preview:

     Tyler heard the wailing of the sirens soften as he ran for his life.

See? I told you I knew how to get out of there.

     Tyler shook his head, trying to rid of Blurry's voice.

It's not that easy. You can't just rid of me that easily, dumbass. I'm never leaving. Never, Tyler.

     Tyler just ran. He had been dealing with Blurry since he was twelve, so he had his ways of dealing with him. Tyler kept running until he saw a little storage shed. He sprinted inside the shed and closed the door.


There you go :)

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