[1] Ass Back Home

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{ So. Basically as i was writing this. Wattpad decided. It was going to cut me off. at 777 words. This chapter was actually extremely decent. Even I enjoyed it. Like it really wasn't bad. But you know. Life huh. So what i'm trying to say is. If this chapter is shit. Its because Wattpad and the entire world itself hates me.}

.:I don't know, where you're going
Or when you're coming home
I left the keys under the mat to our front door
For one more chance to hold you close
I don't know, where you're going
Just get your ass back home:.

~Dans POV~

I jumped from my roof to the oh so familiar sturdy branch of the Oak tree out side of my two story bright yellow house with a perky freshly painted red front door. I'd come to know this particular branch very very well within the four years we'd lived here. We had a beautiful house. From the outside looking in you'd think we were just your average everyday family. Nice house, nice cars, nice fresh cut green grass despite the fact that it was late fall. My hands grasped the branch of the tree almost by reflex. I carefully and stealthily worked my way toward the center of the tree so that I could make my way to the ground. Inside though everything couldn't possibly be more fucked. Sure, things could be worse I know that I really do. Of course things could in fact be much better, and I mean by a long shot. I reached the ground with a small thud. Slowly walking toward the street, listening to the recently fallen leaves on the ground under my feet. My mother and father were almost always working, if they weren't working they were fighting.

This had been the third time this week that I was leaving home because of them. I had to leave, the screaming scared me. It always had, a short few years ago an argument of this extent would have left me sitting a screeching mess of whimpers and cries in the corner of my bedroom. I've grown used to it now. Almost as if its just an everyday part of my life that I've simply grown to ignore, which I suppose that is exactly what it is isn't it. I don't really have any friends to share any part of my life with. I sort of preferred it like this though. Didn't have to worry about anyone leaving me or me screwing anything up.

I'd only just gotten home from school, walking directly into the middle of another one of my parents arguments, God knows what about this time. Which was where I was headed right now. Back to school. Most people find school to be the living embodiment of hell. Personally I've never really minded it. School was pretty much the only place where everything was orderly in my life, everything had a sort of steady pace. I looked up for a second startled to have my thoughts interrupted by faint screams coming from behind the gym. I tried my hardest to walk toward the commotion without drawing attention to myself. Ducking behind a corner peeking slightly as to see what was happening.

"You like that you fag!?" One of six large males yelled at a small lump of what I guess was another person.

"Stupid faggot, had it coming, maybe next time you shouldn't walk around being such a giant piece of shit, fag." Said another, all six of the guys had begun to kick the poor sobbing lump on the ground.

I stood for a moment contemplating rather to run away or help the poor guy. Apparently deciding the latter as my body had already lunged forward toward the group of rough looking males.

Shrieking a confident "Leave him the fuck alone." I blindly threw a punch in no specific direction. My fist making a loud THWACK as it made contact with the cheek of the largest of the six males. Nick was his name, the schools bad ass. Him and his friends turned toward me shocked. Nicks hand made contact with his reddened cheek as his mouth hung agape. I quickly pulled my phone out of my pocket holding it out in front of me slightly.

"I'll call the police if you don't walk away right now!" I screamed the threat clear in my voice as it seemed to hang in the air for what felt like hours.. The six looked hesitantly at one another then back at the now whimpering lump on the ground. "Fine." Nick said sternly, voice like venom hanging in the air. He turned back to the helpless boy on the ground, "You got lucky this time Lester. Next time this guy wont be here to save you." He spat pointing in my direction walking away finally with his mates behind him.

After waiting a few minutes to be sure they'd truly gone. I hastily ran to the devastating looking boy on the ground. Immediately falling to my knees and taking my first real look the damage. I lightly brush the soft raven black hair out of the poor strangers face, his pale skin littered in black, blue, and purple bruises of various sizes. Quickly leaning down putting my ear to his chest to be sure he's breathing. I let out breath I didn't even know I was holding the black haired stranger was in fact thankfully breathing.

I carefully picked the boy up as not to hurt him any further, spinning on my heels and carrying him to my house as it wasn't too far off. The walk was quiet, the only sounds being his faint breathing close to my ear and my shoes once again crunching on the leaves that had fallen onto the pavement.


As I approached my house I was thankful to find out that both of my parents had already left for work and wouldn't be back until late. I opened the front door (with great difficulty I might add) and walked up the stairs into my bedroom without so much as a word from "Lester" as that was what Nick called him I'd guess that was at least part of his name. I lightly laid him on my bed and covered him up carefully as not to disturb his sleep. I quietly sit on the opposite side of the bed and curl up in a ball to keep myself warm. Feeling the days events finally take a toll on my body as my eyes got heavy and my body began to relax. Slowly drifting off into a peaceful and dreamless sleep.

Well alright there's your first chapter! Hope everyone enjoyed! I hope to update at least by weekly or possibly just whenever I have an update written! Feel free to leave comments as they would make me very happy! Thanks for reading. Until next time. Bye!

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