November 5, 2013

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Hmm, what happened today? I don't recall anything particularly exciting, so I'll just go over the basics.

My name is- well, I'm not going to tell you my name. I know plenty of people who use this website, and I'd rather share this info with complete strangers than people I actually know. I'm a 16 year old sophomore girl who's pretty much obsessed with band, as you could probably tell. I play the bassoon in my school's wind ensemble, and bari sax in jazz I, and our school is known as one of the best public schools for music in the state. Pretty cool, if I do say so myself.

We have two band directors at my school. They've been compared to Sherlock and Watson from the BBC version of Sherlock a LOT. The more authoritative one (plays clarinet and saxophone) has curly hair and is kinda crazy, and the other (plays trumpet) is really chill and socially acceptable. So I think, for these purposes, we'll call my band directors Sherlock and Watson.

Our band program is really proud of our sense of community and leadership. But the one person who just isn't up to par is, of course, the one person besides me who can make or break my bassooning ability- my section leader. We'll call him Nate.

Nate is brilliant. He's in a lot of advanced classes, and it seems like he's doing really well in them. He's the best bassoonist I've ever met, next to the section leader we had last year. He even has his own bassoon, which doesn't sound super incredible, but it's probably worth at least $10,000, judging from the tone and appearance of it. He comes from a really wealthy family, which is probably how he funds his alcoholism.

Yes, my section leader drinks. And not just like, "oh I'm at a party, I'll have a drink," no, it's like legit as far as I know. He also hangs out with a TON of stoners that are always talking about how they're gonna go do some acid and how many hits they can afford and all this shit that no one cares about. One of them is in our wind ensemble too, and he plays percussion. Another one apparently got high and knifed his grandma one time, but that could just be a rumor I heard from one of the drum majors. I just find it funny that these kids are so messed up, but they're in all these great classes and activities like band and wrestling and AP this that and the other.

I take pretty advanced classes for my grade level, like AP World History, Honors English, and Pre-Calculus, but I'm not very good at them. In fact, the only class besides band that I like is my math class because my best friend is in it with me. Hmm, new name.. let's call him Jake. So Jake and I, we're like peas and carrots. We met in 6th grade and I thought he was a total dumbass and a geek, and I was completely right. But now we're friends, so I can say that.

I have a lot of other things to go over, but I have jazz band in the morning (boo) so I'll publish this and start a new chapter tomorrow :)


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