Chapter 1: Discovering Feedism

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Feliciano sat at the dinner table with his hands pressing against his face. He grumbled to himself and finally sat up straight. He felt his stomach overflow over his tight belt. Lifting up his shirt, he pressed his belly between his fingers. He noted how much weight he was gaining after his marriage with Ludwig, and started to become worried that his new husband would not accept him for this, or find him ugly. 

Feliciano sighed and held his breath in, trying to squeeze in all of the fat he could. He couldn't do it, and released. All sorts of emotions rushed through his head. "How much weight did I REALLY gain after the marriage?" and "Why am I getting heavier?" were questions he asked himself. His thoughts were broken as he heard the front door open and the jangling sound of keys; Ludwig was home. 

Feliciano got up off of his chair and leaned over to see his husband walk through the door. "Hey", Ludwig stated softly. His eyes glanced over to Feliciano. "Oh! Hey Luddy. You're early from work!", the Italian exclaimed, forcing a smile. "Ja, I wanted to get home quickly so I can be with my favorite man in the world", Ludwig said with a loving tone as he stepped toward Feliciano. Feliciano flustered and took a step backwards. This is what struck Ludwig as odd. 

"Feli..?", he said with a concerned voice. Feliciano looked at Ludwig with big puppy-like eyes that watered. Ludwig grew more concerned and grabbed Feliciano tightly by the shoulders. Tears squeezed out of his eyes. Feliciano brought his hands up to his face and used them to cover himself crying. "Feli what's wrong..?!", Ludwig stated firmly as he kneeled down in a proposal position, grabbing his husband's arms. "I-I.... I'm afraid to tell you, but the truth is.. I'm worried that you won't like me anymore", Feli sobbed. Ludwig stared into Feliciano's eyes. 

"Don't say that. I will love you no matter what. I know that sounds cliche but it's true! Why would you ever think I won't love you?", Ludwig on the verge of tears. Feliciano choked and sniffled. "I'm getting fat.. Ever since we got married.. I just don't know what's happening to me! Am I getting lazy? If I am, I promis-".

 Feliciano was cut off by Ludwig lifting up his shirt to expose his despised bloated belly. Feliciano blushed and opened his mouth slightly. His tears were soon dried up when Ludwig leaned over and kissed his belly. "I love you", Ludwig said softly as he kissed around the folds some more. Each kiss making Feliciano blush harder. 

"You don't understand, Feliciano. But I want more. The more there is of you to love, the better. In fact... I'd like you to grow... Even more",Ludwig said. Feliciano could tell that Ludwig was trying to assert dominance towards him. "Grow... Even more? W-What do you mean by that? Do you like me better plump?", Feliciano questioned. "I don't just like it, I love it. I want you to grow. I want to feed you".

His Growing Body- A GerIta Feedism StoryWhere stories live. Discover now