First week of summer (Chris imagine)

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School was finally over and summer began. You smiled to yourself as you walked home. When you got home you threw your backpack on the ground and screamed "SUMMER HERE I COME!" It's been about 10 minuets you thought to your self as you were still staring at the tv wondering what to do. You decided to go visit your boyfriend Chris and plan to spend the week together. After all your parents went on a business trip for a week so you were all by yourself and you know Chris wouldn't want that. You packed your bags and got ready. You decided to surprise him with an iced green tea from Starbucks. After you got your drinks you headed straight to his house. "CHRISFART I'M HERE" you yelled as you unlocked the front door. He gave you a spare key to come visit anytime you wanted. "Chris?" You said as you stood in the empty house wondering where he could be. "Momma Collins? Papa Collins? Crawford? Kirsten? Karisma?" You yelled hoping they too would be home. Confused you started walking towards the stairs and you suddenly hear little steps in the house. You froze scared of what might be in the house. The foot steps got closer and closer, they became louder. Scared to death you closed your eyes and clung on to Chris's Starbucks waiting for something to happen. Suddenly something touched your leg. It was..soft? You glanced down and realized that it was King. You laughed to yourself as you realized you got scared by this cute little pup. Now heading up the stairs you see Chris's door open and you enter. You looked around and couldn't find him until you heard singing. Looking to your right you saw the bathroom door closed. No wonder why he couldn't hear you. Making yourself comfy on his bed you sat and waited till he finished. The way his voice sounded when he sang was aesthetically pleasing to you. The door opens and out comes Chris with a towel hanging a bit below his waist showing his perfect v-line. "Woah babe don't scare me liked that!" He said as he jumped back in shock. I laughed to myself. "I didn't know you've been sitting here for a while. You should've called me" he said. "It's okay I wasn't sitting here the whole time" you chuckle as you remember what happened downstairs. "Anyways I came over to see if you wanted to do something today. Schools officially over and I couldn't wait to celebrate it with my boyfriend." You said as you smiled. He came to you with open arms and wrapped his around your waist and yours around his neck and he leaned in for a passionate kiss. You can feel his beautiful abs through your shirt. "Let me get dressed real quick and we can spend the whole day together!" He said still holding me close. "Actually my parents are on a business trip for the week so I was wondering if I could stay here with you until they get back." You said. "Of course you can stay baby girl! I love it when we spend time together and for a whole week too?! This couldn't get any better!" "Oh I beg to differ" you smirked as you handed him his Starbucks drink. His eyes lit up like a little kid getting candy. "I love you" he said as he kissed you one last time before finally changing. It was not good to be surrounded by Chris with a towel hanging low on his waist if you know what I mean. He then got dressed and you spent the day in his room talking about everything and anything. You loved these moments with him. He whipped out his ukulele and started singing. "It's beautiful" you said as you close your eyes hearing his beautiful voice fill your ears. "I wrote it for you baby. It's called 'Always Tomorrow' " I was in awe of how beautiful the acoustic of the ukulele went with his voice. As soon as he finished singing to you you guys went on a walk bringing King with you. Walking hand in hand down the streets laughing everytime King almost made Chris trip by pulling him so we can hurry up and get to the park. We finally made it after a few falls. You both sit and admire how beautiful nature can be. Out of the corner of your eye you see Chris staring. "Babe why are you looking at me?" You said with a chuckle. "Am I not allowed to admire my beautiful girlfriend?" He said with a smile and a chuckle. "I mean who can't resist this" you say with a smirk. He laughs and pulls you in for a kiss. As your lips were about to touch you feel something wet and slobbery get in the way. You look up and see a white ball of fluff giving both you and Chris wet doggy kisses. You guys glance at eachother and laugh. After about a few hours you finally arrived home. "I'm so tired. Chrisfart can you carry me please" you whine begging Chris to carry you up the stairs. He shook his head and smiled his beautiful smile. Picking me up bridal style we headed for his room. I changed into a crop top and short shorts. Chris decided to wear his boxers and his boxers only. He's such a tease. "Damnn who's that gorgeous babe over there" he said winking and looking me up and down. "Well you don't look bad yourself" you chuckle as you see Chris wearing his duck boxers. Realizing you forgot your phone downstairs you got up and suddenly felt eyes watching your every move. Looking back you winked at Chris. His cheeks start to get red. You hurried and got your phone. As you were making your way down the hallway you felt a strong pair of arms pull you in and push you against the door slamming it shut. You knew this would happen. He crashed his lips to yours kissing you with everything he had. His hands gripping your waist and he deepens the kiss. He picks you up not breaking the kiss and lays you on the bed with him on top. After your little make out session you guys cuddle and watch Tangled, your all time favorite Disney show. You smiled seeing Chris stare at you from the corner of your eye. "I'm so lucky to have you Chris " you said as you kiss him once more then continued watching the movie. You started falling asleep and felt Chris kiss your forehead and hear him mumble "Not as lucky as I am to have you. I love you with my everything." You smiled and soon drifted off. This was to be the best summer yet.

*I hope you guys enjoyed this! I'm sorry if I write the dialogue weird. If it's hard to read let me know and I'll fix it! Thank you guys💓*

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