A series of disturbing situations

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After Ms.Miralles called out attendance we were all assigned to a civil war research project. 

"Partners are optional everyone and please include your sources and facts that need to be included are when the war started and ended, why is started and the generals involved." Ms.Miralles called out. I dozed off after that and was brought back By the noise of a textbook being dropped flat on the floor. I was so petrified I shrieked and fell right out of my seat and landed on my ass. I looked around and saw that Marshall was standing next to his desk looking just as flustered as me and then I heard the harsh snickering of some students.

"Ms.Sanchez and Mr.Pierce pleas take this moment as a warning and reframe yourselves from from drifting off during my lessons!" The teacher said with a smirk. I was still dazed from what happened and Marshall was clearly the same as me. He was struggling to stand.

"In fact since you two are clearly on the same page I now permanently assign you two as partners in my class for the rest of the year!" She announced clearly satisfied with her decision. Me and Marshall glanced at each other for a second then both looked back at the smirking teacher. We then both sat back down in our seats and heard the snarky whispering and laughs of Ethan. He is the most stuck up, arrogant and annoying boy in this entire school. He was the biggest bully and targeted me often. If I had to describe him in one sentence it would be ' A self-centered Fuck boy.' I glared at him and flipped him off and he simply winked back and flipped me off. I rolled my eyes and returned my attention back to the teacher.

"Alright now break into your pairs everyone!" Ms. Miralles said then walked to her desk and began playing on her phone. Ashley my fellow psychopath ran to my desk and wished me good luck  I thanked her and walked over to Marshall's desk. We just kinda made awkward eye contact when I finally broke the silence.

"Sorry if I come off as a bitch sometimes, I just get really sarcastic and some people don't realize it." I said resting my head on my arm. He just nodded. I rolled my eyes and began the project. After about 20 minutes of totally awkward silence until someone pulled my chair right from under me, I thought it was Marshall at first then I saw Ethan goon leaning over me. 

"Good morning faggot! That was a nice show you put on earlier, now be useful and start my project for me." Ethan said. 

"Oh little me, helping out THE Ethan Gram, goody!!" I shouted at him sarcastically. Ethan being the twat he is walked right in front of me with a scary grin on his face and slapped me right across the face. I flipped over my chair and fell to the floor and slammed my head into the floor. I couldn't move from the floor, I couldn't even open my eyes. I was pulled up by my hair by Ethan while his goon held me up by my arms since I couldn't  stand on my own. 

"Not so tough now faggot, huh?" Ethan mocked. I didn't say anything, but he took my silence as an insult instead of defeat and pulled my hair so that I had to look at him. 

"ETHAN GRAM NOT IN CLASS!!" Ms.Miralles shouted across the room. Ethan looked around the room and cleared his throat. Letting go of me he straightened his shirt and waved off the other guy, returning to their seats. I slowly sat down all eyes on me. I turned to look at Marshall and looked at me with wide eyes. Then the bell rang and everyone was dismissed. 

I shoved my things back into my bag and put on my headphones as I rushed to my next class. I was stopped by Ashley before I got to second period.

"What the hell happened in there? I thought you said you settled the fucking problem!!" Ashley said pulling me back. She looked at me so confused and angrily.

"I kinda sorts maybe lied a little." I mumbled back. "I told him that if I had to I'd get Reilly involved and he said he'd back off for a bit, but now that Reilly is on that college trip I guess he decided to buck up." I said looking  at the ground. 

"Well you can call him while he's on his trip can't you? With Reilly not here, your getting your ass beat in class!! In front of a teacher too! What the hell, that kid is too fucking cocky, he thinks he's such big shit and he never gets in trouble at school either because his parents are rich and donate a lot here!!" Ashley had completely lost it now, she was on full rant mode and there was no going back. She shouted all around the hall, teachers didn't even try to stop her, especially with her violent reputation. 

"Listen everything is gonna be fine, when Reilly comes back we'll settle this... maybe." I said quietly.

"Why not now? You have a phone don't you? Call his ass right now before I have to drag him here and have him beat Ethan's ass right now!!" Ashley shouted.

"CALM YOUR TITS!!" I shouted. "Listen I would do it now trust me I would, but I don't want to ruin his trip! He has been looking forward to this for a while and I don't want him to have to leave or spent the rest of his time worried!" I said. "I get that your worried Ashley okay, I get it, I just don't want this shit to get too serious! We both know what would happen if Reilly got too mad with this guy. He would probably end up breaking the fucker's arm and I do NOT want him in any trouble!" I whispered.  

Ashley gave up and let me go to class. I was almost late. I got in the class right before the bell rang and just fell in my chair. My math teacher, Mrs.Sonnier came in. This is my favorite class, mainly cause my only friends are here. I was getting out my Geometry journal when I felt something jab me in my sides. I yelped loudly, jumping out of my seat. I looked up to see my friend Cabbage laughing his ass off. I laughed back and kicked him in the shin.

"Fuck off man, not today!" I laughed.  

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