I Promise. (Lloyd x Suicidal!Reader)

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Requested by: Techno_Waffle_Ninja
(y/n) = Your Name
(f/c) = Favorite Color
(h/c) = Hair Color

"(Y/n)! Wait! What happened!" Lloyd shouts after you. You just keep running. 

"Is it something I said?" He asks worriedly. 

You want to turn around and tell him what was going on,  but you knew you just couldn't.

What had happened to start all this? Well, maybe we should start from the beginning. 

~ One Hour Before... ~

"Hey, (y/n), do you wanna come with me on some errands in town?" Lloyd asked you.

"Sure! I'd love to!" You replied, trying not to sound too excited. 

"Alright! Well, let's go!" Lloyd exclaimed as he headed towards the stairs of the bounty.

"Are we....walking?" You asked as you put on your (f/c) converse and followed him. 

"Well, yeah...the town is only about a mile away...plus, I wanted to nice conversation with you on the way." Lloyd replied, a small blush tinting his cheeks. 

You and Lloyd were walking down the mountain, and because you were well, who you were, you were thinking of good reasons to throw yourself off of the edge. 

"You okay?" Lloyd asked you, waving a hand in front of your face. 

"Oh! I'm sorry! I guess I just zoned out..." You replied nervously.

"Hey, uh...(y/n)...?" Lloyd asked shyly. 

"Yeah?" You replied.

You were hoping that Lloyd was asking you out, but you didn't let your hopes get too high. 

"So, I have a crush on this girl..." Lloyd started. 

Hm...girl advise...you knew how this would turn out. 

"And?" You asked?

"And...I just don't think she feels the same way about me." He finished. 

You thought of a wise thing to say before you replied without reluctance.

"Well, you should just tell her how you feel. I mean, you're Lloyd Garmadon! There's no way she'll be able to resist!" You replied.

Lloyd's face turned from light pink to Crimson as he took your compliment to heart. 

"Thanks (y/n). I'll be sure to treasure your advise." Lloyd replied, smiling gratefully.

"Oh, it was no problem at all!" You said, scratching the back of your neck. 

"Hey, I can see the town! Wanna race the rest of the way?" Lloyd asked, going from flustered to enthusiastic. You weren't surprised that be wanted to play such a childish game, but you thought it sounded like fun.

"Prepare to eat my dust!" You said as you began to run down the cobblestone path.

"Hey! Lloyd pouted, chasing after you. 

You kept running, laughing at how determined he was to beat you. 

"Ha!" You exclaimed, panting and holding your knees. "I won!" 

"Congratulations..." Lloyd said through pants as he caught up to you.

"So, where do we need to go?" You asked after you caught your breath.

"Well, first we need to go to the Grocery Store...." He replied, pulling out a shopping list.

"Aww....look at you! Mom friend..." You snickered.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2016 ⏰

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