Secret mission (Soichi Kazama - Kaz)

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               My father is gangster boss. I really hate his work. I don't have memories from my past as a child, but I bet they're filled with blood and sadness. We were in our hideout with the other members from our gang. I don't have choice but to be with those people. I don't want to hurt anyone. Then, my father came saying:

- Okay, today we have a few new members. Y/n please take care of them.

I said:

- Okay, father.

I came closer to them saying:

- I'm y/n. From today on, you'll be out brothers. I must tell you the rules: First, you're not allowed to shot or duel with your brother, unless the reason is strong. Second, you can't pick a fight with other gang, but you can attack when they attack us. Third, beware of the security. Fourth, welcome and tell me your names.

Then I saw him. The most beautiful man in my life. I didn't even listen the others names, only his name, Soichi Kazama. The dark blue haired man said:

- Nice to meet you, lady y/n.

I blushed. He's so cute. He must be mine! I smiled saying:

- Nice to meet you too, Kazama-san.

He smiled saying:

- Please, a lady like you can't praise me like that. Call me Soichi or Kaz whatever you like, my lady. I'm your worker after all.

I said:

- Of course, Soichi-kun.

He smiled winking. Then he left with the others. As the days passes, I started to fall for Soichi-kun. He's so cute and handsome man. But, one day I heard sirens. Shit, it was the security. They found us. I said:

- Run! Fight! Don't get caught!

All the members were running. I looked for Soichi-kun. Where is he? Suddenly someone grabbed my hand. I screamed:

- No! Let go of me!

Then I turned around and my e/c eyes meet with brown eyes. That was Soichi-kun. He said:

- Shh, come with me, lady y/n.

I nodded and we went somewhere. Then his face became serious. I asked:

- What's wrong?

He looked at the ground answering:

- Lady y/n. I came here to save you?

I was confused asking:

-Save me? From who? We must run, the security...

He cut me off saying:

- Don't worry, everything is fine. I came here to save you from the gangster boss. Lady y/n. He isn't your real father. You were kidnapped long time ago. I came here to bring you back to your real parents.

At that time, my brain went blank and then I realized my past. That was the missing puzzle from my past... Father isn't my real father... Tears fell from my eyes. I asked:

- Who are you?

He smiled hugging me, answering:

- Soichi Kazama from the secret mission sector from security.

I looked at him and said:

- I see... You were undercover...

He said:

- That's right. To help you. Now, let's go to your real parents.

I nodded and left. I was still confused and everything was mess in my head. Soon, we arrived in one house and I saw my real parents, who hugged me. I didn't remember them well, because my memories were faded, but I'm glad to see them again. I came to Soichi-kun asking:

- Will I see you again? I really felt for you.

He smiled hugging me and answered:

- Of course, lady y/n. We'll see us again. Also... Me too...

I smiled kissing his cheek. He smiled blushing and bowed climbing on his d-wheel and leave. I hope one day I'll see him again, my sweet and cute Soichi-kun. Then, he'll be all mine.


I hope you like it...

The next story will be about some other blue haired boy... ^^

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