Lesson 13: Keep your Head on Straight

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"Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Felicity took the news of Alabaster's intention to turn himself in rather well.

She nodded once, her lips pursed, and said simply:

"If the ministry still finds you guilty after you testify, then you will have to, I suppose."

George was shocked that she would give in so easily, however, Alabaster scowled.

"You think they'll show mercy to someone with our name? With my mark?"

"Of course not." Felicity shot back, laying a comforting hand on George's arm. It was more than clear to her that he did not fully understand her interactions with her brother, nor did he understand the situation.

Only the good had faith in the new Ministry.

"I haven't any more faith in the ministry than I did before I was imprisoned there.

"In a cage." Alabaster grunted. George's lips turned down to share in Alabaster's anger.

"Precisely. In a cage. I simply meant that you will not be put in prison without a fair trial. The Malfoy kid got off scott-free for defecting, didn't he George?"

"Draco Malfoy? Uh-yes he did." With George's confirmation, Flicity tuned back to her brother.

"See? You defected too, didn't you? And you had the mark forced on you. I don't believe in anything the ministry does, and don't for a moment think that I'm naive enough to think that you haven't done things bad enough to end up in Azkaban, but-" at this Felicity turned back to George. "There are some good people in the ministry, at least. They'll make sure your trial's fair. Percy will help, won't he?"

George coughed awkwardly. "Uh, well, yes, I'm sure he will."

"Good." Felicity nodded. "Well, that's enough heavy stuff for the moment. George, are we still going to visit the Burrow tonight?" Her sudden change of subject shocked the men, and George fumbled for an answer.

"Uh well..." He trailed off, not sure he could bring a wanted Death Eater -albeit a defected Death Eater -to his parent's home without explanation.

"It's alright, Alabaster can stay here, you've only just begun to reconnect with your family, I can't take that away from you."

George wanted to argue. He wanted to point out that Felicity's family issues seemed far more important at the moment than his own, but the look on her face was one he had seen only twice, but nonetheless knew not to argue with.

"Very well. Let's go, then." George reached for his wand.

"Hold on just a minute, mister. I've been crying." She wagged her finger at his face playfully. Alabaster had taken to playing with the television remote, noticing that his presence was no longer necessary.

"Yes, so you have." George spoke softly, his tone lighthearted.

"I've got to clean myself up, and get Alabaster settled, not to mention that I have to explain all this to Jan."

George sighed mockingly and placed a kiss on her cheek. "Fine, you have ten minutes. We're  already late, love."

Fifteen minutes later, Alabaster was fast asleep in Felicity's bed, having not had a good nights rest in a long time. Jan had been happy to order pizza for him, and had promised to take care of him -believing him to be Felicity's brother (which was actually the truth, although Felicity felt like it wasn't,) who had very unexpectedly caught a cold.

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