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Cinder was all nerves as Kai led her through the palace to his office. She was having a meeting with the Union leaders, and no doubt Kai would tell them of their engagement. They finally made it to Kai's office, before they went in Kai brought Cinder's hand up to his mouth and kissed it. "Everything's going to be fine, I believe in you." He whispered. 

Cinder nodded and Kai opened the door to his office. All of Kai's officials were there and there was Kai's advisor, Konn Torin. Torin led Kai and Cinder to their seats in front of this huge holograph node. Kai initiated the link, and there were all the Union leaders. 

"Ah, the young emperor finally decides to join us." Says Queen Camilla of the UK. 

The attention of the rest of the Union leaders turn on them. "Is that Selene with him?" Asks President Vargas of the American Republic. Cinder's face begins to warm, until she gets a reminder on her retina display. Rising body temperature. Take slow measured breaths. She does as her body tells her to, a reminder that she needs to cool down. 

Kai takes a seat and acts as if the other Union leaders hadn't spoken. "So sorry I'm late, it's been a crazy morning." He looks at Cinder with a smug face, she knows he's lying without the orange light flickering in her eye. "What did I miss?" 

Governor-general Williams of Australia begins to explain, "We were just discussing recent letumosis outbreaks, the Lunar-Earthen marriage that recently happened as you are---."

"Your Imperial Majesty, you didn't answer the question." Queen Camilla interrupts. "Why is Selene with you?" 

Cinder, more panicked then before, looks at Kai for encouragement. He smiles and whispers, "You got this." 

Cinder takes a deep breath and faces the Union leaders. "I would like it very much if you would just call me Cinder." 

"Ok Cinder," Prime Minister Kamin of Africa says. "What are you doing in the Commonwealth?"

Cinder can't deny how nervous she is, not when her retina display is going hectic with new levels of hormones, and rising blood pressure. Her body knows that she's panicked. She looks at Kai, and he looks back. She can tell he knows that she's a nervous wreck. His face softens and he clears his throat. "As you all know, I was recently at the Lunar-Earthen marriage, as was Cinder. And as you all know, there is some history between us. And--"

"What does this have to do with why Selene is with you now?" Shouts Governor-General Williams of Australia as he interrupts Kai. 

Kai looks as unshaken as ever and Cinder is impressed at how composed he's staying. "If you would let me continue my sentence you would know. Cinder is here because she is to be the Commonwealth's new empress." 

The Union leaders look as if Kai had just spoken gibberish. But slowly the comprehension dawns in their eyes and Queen Camilla screams. "Oh my goodness, you guys are getting married! After everything you've been through. How romantic!"

Everyone begins to congratulate them. Cinder can't tell whether they approve of the wedding or if they're just going through the motions. Nevertheless she says, "Thank you so much."

Prime Minister Bromstad of Europe asks, "When is the wedding and coronation?"

Kai nods at Cinder, a sign that he wants her to tell them. Cinder didn't know what to say exactly, she knew the dates but she was all nerves as she faced the Union leaders. She bites her lip, "The wedding will be the day before the Annual Peace Ball and the coronation will be the day of the ball."

The leaders all nod in agreement. "But that's only a month away. Are you sure you guys are ready?" Asks Vargas

"Yes I do." Says Kai. "We've been through a lot and all those trials proved that we are ready to be together." 

"I think it's a wonderful time to have this wedding. You guys chose well." Says Kamin. 

"Also," Cinder continues in a meek voice. "It would mean a lot to Kai—Kaito and I if you all came." 

"I would be honoured to attend your wedding." Prime Minister Bromstad says. The rest of the Union leaders follow in pursuit. It felt like a weight being lifted off of Cinder's shoulders. The Union leaders, the most powerful men and women in the world actually approved of her marriage with Kai. They actually approved of this marriage union. There was no orange light in her vision, which always made her heart warm. Knowing that these people had the decency to tell her the truth. 

Kai scratched the back of his neck, and Cinder noticed that his ears had begun to turn pink. "There's one more thing." He says and the rest of the Union leaders look very suspicious. "It would also mean a lot if we would have you, Prime Minister Kamin, as our officiant. I know you were the officiant at the wedding with Levana, but I can think of no better person."

The meeting continued. They talked about how letumosis is being eradicated from society, and how the bioelectrical security blocks are being produced. Cinder even made the announcement that Luna was ready to receive Earthen travel and immigration. Everything was going great. 

The meeting ended and Kai whispered, "You did great Cinder. I told you you had nothing to worry about." She smiles and Cinder couldn't help smiling back at him. He was just so cute. She hugged him, and when she tried to pull away, he didn't let go. 

Torin clears his throat, "Your Majesty, the press conference is to start soon. You must get ready." 

"Of course Torin. Thank you." Kai says and leads Cinder to her room. She opens the door and there is the most beautiful dress she had ever seen. A dress that would probably go to her knees. The dress was sky blue. It had a sweetheart neckline that was made of lace. The back of the dress was longer than the front. It was one of the most beautiful things she had ever owned. 

Cinder looked at Kai aghast, and he gave her a one shouldered shrug. "We have to look our best." He said with a smirk. "I had it specifically designed for you. I hope you like it."

Cinder grabbed Kai's face and kissed him, he pulled her into his embrace. They separated and he set his brow on hers, "I love it." She whispered. "It's perfect." Kai shut the door so she could get styled for the press conference. 

She was announcing her marriage after all.

Spades and Aces A Lunar Chronicles ContinuationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora