Chapter 29

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-This chapter contains a lot of sexual activities. BEWARE!!!!

Troy’s Pov:

I went straight to the hospital and the nurse had informed me that Chelsea left home already. So now I’m in my car driving to her house anxiously to see her, but at the same time nervous. I don’t even know if she wants to see me.

Maybe I should just turn my car around and head back home. Maybe it’s just too soon to go see her. Maybe she needs some alone time with her parents. Maybe she needs time to heal. Maybe she’s not up for any visitors just yet. Maybe, maybe, maybe! That damn word kept repeating in my head.

I pulled to a complete and because of all my maybe thoughts I didn’t realize that I am parked right outside of Chelsea’s house. I look up to her bedroom window and contemplate if I should walk up to the front door to ring the door bell.

Hell who am I kidding; I’m Alpha for crying out loud, I shouldn’t be scared to do anything. But when it comes to her I have to be extra careful. She’s the one person that I care for with all my life and never again do I want to hurt her the way that I have already.

Blowing out a sigh of breath, I turned off my ignition and got out of the car to head on over to the front door. When I got up to the wooden entrance, I reach my finger up and rang the door bell as quickly as possible like a wuss.

I stood there for a minute waiting for someone to answer the door and when nobody came, I took it as a sign that I wasn’t meant to be here. Kind of feeling sad about it, I turned my heels and started walking down the few steps to the front lawn when the door opened.

“Well hello there Alpha Troy” Lydia said standing by the door… “Sorry I took so long to answer the door, I was helping Chelsea get settle in”

“Oh that’s umm okay” I said stuttering a little. Maybe I thought wrong?

“Why don’t you come on in” she says and opens the door wider.

“Are you sure? I mean I can come back another time if Chelsea is resting”

“Oh nonsense, she will be very happy to see you”

“Really?” I asked while quirking and eyebrow

“Of course, come on in!”

I walked inside the house and Lydia shuts the door behind us. She motioned me to follow her upstairs and let me tell you, my heart is racing like no other right now.

“Are you alright?” Lydia asked looking at me worried. We are right outside Chelsea’s room and I’m sweating bullets.

“Oh yes, why wouldn’t I be?”

“Um I don’t know. You just seem a little tense and nervous”

“Me? Ha no! No, no, no, I’m okay” I faked a little laughter although I can tell Lydia is not buying it.

“Uh huh” Lydia replied nodding her head… “It’s okay Troy. Alpha’s can get nervous sometimes especially around their mates” she said smiling

When Lydia knocked on Chelsea’s door I literally froze. I hear Chelsea’s sweet voice giving us permission to come in and when the door opened I stood there like an idiot… “Chelsea, Troy is here to see you” I vaguely hear Lydia say because the beating of my heart ie conquering all other sounds.

“Troy?” Lydia said a little loud to snap me back to reality… “You can come in”

“Oh right” I said and walk in to see Chelsea sitting up straight on her bed smiling at me. For some reason, my nerves begin to die down and I think I heard Lydia say she would leave us alone and shut the door behind her.

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