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I woke up at 7 am trying to break my alarm " asbahna wa asbaha lmulku lillah " i said and head up to the bathroom ... i almost freaked out by seeing my self in the mirror because i looked like a panda witch with my messy hair and dark circles.

my bad .. i forgot to introduce my self .. and ladies and gentlmen this is my first impression.

okay .... salamo alaikom , im reem, a 17 years old girl ( that's obvious from the name !! ) , muslim and proud , also i live in a muslim country.
let's go to the details : i have a dark long hair (not that long) with green eyes and a light skin , my friends say that im looking like turkish girls but anyway .. thin and tall .. yeah this bother me sometimes. I just graduated from high scool and while this summer im planning to what to do with my life, besides ; i LOVE watermelon (maybe i love him more than my future husband .. that' if i get married)

so basically that's what u need to know about me..

after ages and ages of fixing and cleaning my self .. im out ! taraaa! i leaded to the most beautiful and the peaceful place in the wold : kitchen .

"reem why you are slow in everything!!!" my mom yells at me, okay , my mother and i don't that perfect relationship that you sse in the movies, in fact we fight 7393661827 times at day .. she never cared about my high grades all she cared about is how i look in front of other and my abilities of becoming a good wife .. " you are useless" she added.
i get up to clean the house and wash the dishes , i don't live the princess life also i have never dreamt of going out shopping or hanging out with friends.

it's midday.. im lying in my bed travelling on istagram "ouuf my life sucks" i mumbled feeling jealous from all these hijabis whom i follow.

i glance at the alarm and see that it's duhr time , i hurry to the prayer map to run from this life.

hey guys this is my first book

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2016 ⏰

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