01|| Abandoned

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I didn't know what to make of anything anymore. Everyone was gone, at least everyone I loved. It had been roughly a year since humanity just vanished. Has it been a year? I must've lost track of what day it was again.

I have lived in the same spot in the highly dense forest since the beginning. Was it actually a beginning? Or was it the end? Radiation had killed many animals and mutated others, so I was still able to hunt with snares and such. In this moment, smelling the pine and morning dew, everything seemed so peaceful.

I decided today would be the best chance I'd have of going into town without it downpouring. I twisted my dark brown hair into a french braid and collected anything I would possibly need. Hunting knife. Check. Extra food. Check. Handgun. Check. Not that I had many bullets left, it still made me feel powerful. I put on my Timberland boots that I "stole" from a store after.. well.. you know and a soft red flannel.

I started my descent into the nearest city. Lucky for me, there wasn't much mud on the way down. I don't fully understand why I decided to keep lively on this vacant and lonely mountain. I guess it started to feel like home. I could tell I was near the city because of the abandoned feel it let off. Or was it just my imagination? I've been alone for so long...

I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw the mall I've raided plenty of times before. I went in knowing there wasn't much I had left behind. Most of the food in the stores had gone rancid mainly because they were fast food restaurants. Would they even be called restaurants? My thoughts distract me once again.

I exit the mall and dare myself to go into a deserted home. I hated doing this. Someone lived here. Their lives could've ended here. I was desperate for something other than mutant rabbit or squirrel and something more along the lines of canned soup or veggies. Just something different would be nice.

I enter the forsaken house. It looks lovely; soft-looking couches, a chair with an ottoman, hardwood flooring with a cute maroon rug. Someone genuinely enjoyed living here. Although it smelled of mildew and abandonment, it had a bunch of canned food in its cupboards. A few boxes of cereal seemed to have been chewed by rats or maybe even squirrels.

I decided I'd enjoy my lunch on the couch in the living area. Just as I thought, it was comfy as hell. After sleeping on the ground for so long, this was a fantastic break. This thought made me almost sick to my stomach. Someone live here, Brielle! I yelled at myself in my thoughts. How could I be so insensitive? I wonder if I had gotten used to everyone being gone.

Was I the last one? Should I just stop trying? The thoughts ran in my mind like an electric train on its tracks. I ate another spoonful of refried beans, I didn't think to bring any matches so I could warm them up. Then again, I didn't think I would find them.

Mid-thought I jump to feet.

I held my gun towards the sound I heard. "Who the hell are you??"

Author's note:

Hellooo! Sorry for this chapter being short but I suspect the next chapters will be the same way. Please please please comment and tell me how you like it!! I will be updating basically whenever. So stay tuned!

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