Reap what you sow.

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Reap what you sow . it's simple. if you are good you will get good back, if your bad you get bad back. I have been told this so much as a young child. And I feel like I should say it for all of you. I know you may know it but I just felt that I should write about it. People who do bad do not get good from it, they get bad, but it depends on how bad they have done something. People can however, fix it with a good deed. People who do good get rewarded with good for each good thing they do. I believe that everyone of you can do so much good in the world,younger , older, no matter how old you are, no matter what you look like , you are amazing and you have so much potential. You can and will achieve so much and make the world better. All you have to do is believe you can. I believe you can. I think all of you are going to reap what you sow, but it will be good, because all of you are good. Your amazing. Support others and you will be supported, show others you care and you shall be shown that others care, be kind to others and they shall be kind to you. You reap what you sow, it's a true thing. By doing one good deed can change the whole pattern of the bad ones and can fix it. You can always fix the bad ones, that's what life is for, to learn your mistakes and fix them. It's never to late to fix them either. I hope this doesn't offend or hurt or annoy anyone. Reap what you sow.


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