I Blame You

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I was drowning and you were four feet away screaming
Learn how to swim
Which wouldn't have been bad
If you weren't the one to pop my armbands and
Drag me under
In the first place
This isn't a blame game
I know
But I blame you

I was burning and you were three feet away drinking
A glass of water
Chomping ice as flames hugged me
Which wouldn't have been bad
If you weren't the one to set me alight
In the first place
This isn't a blame game
I know
But I blame you

I was bleeding and you were two feet away claiming
You had hemophobia
Which wouldn't have been bad
If you didn't like like the colour red and
You weren't the one to slice me open
In the first place
This isn't a blame game
I know
But I blame you

I was suffocating and you were zero feet away
With your hands wrapped around
My throat
Which wouldn't have been bad
If you weren't the one who told me to breathe
In the first place
This isn't a blame game
I know
But I blame you

I blame you.

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