Chapter One

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*takes a break from writing one ML fic to start another*
I am the picture of glowing mental health.
Enjoy you sinners.

"Don't you think this all a bit unnecessary?" Ladybug questioned for about the 5th time since the duo had begun. They had been at it for hours, though to her it felt more like days. Perhaps he was forgetting that there was a real human girl on the other side of her polka-dotted mask. A real girl with a ton of real homework waiting for her back at home, Marinette thought with a grimace.

Chat stood up from his previously crouched position to clutch at his chest dramatically, mouth agape and eyes twinkling. "Absolutely not!" he replied, straightening next to her and realigning their feet. "Maybe you can live with a few cuts and bruises, but I have a more sensitive soul."

This earned him a rather disgusted scoff from his partner, but he felt her fall in to place beside him none-the-less. Although Ladybug found the idea of running acrobatic combinations to be a bit overkill, she could agree it was time for Paris' crime-fighting duo to step up their game.

The last few Akuma they had faced together where not your average villains, and each new fight took more out of the pair. Battles lasted longer, sometimes hours, and the physical toll was beginning to weigh on them both. Every morning, Marinette groaned as she rolled out of bed, the previous night's bruises patterning their way down her body. Comparably, Adrien seemed to find new scars everyday (a big complication in his line of work.) If Hawkmoth wanted to be tough, then they had to be tougher.

The aim of this combo was to be both evasive and offensive. A perfect move to help avoid taking damage, as well as cripple their foes. Rolling his shoulders to ease the tension built up over the past few hours of exertion, Chat went over the motions in his head, visualizing every step before...


The two heroes snapped into action. Both dove forward, springing to their feet within moments of each other. Chat hunkered down low, shifting his weight downward and coiling the muscles in his legs as Ladybug weaved around him. As soon as he felt the slim, strong hand brace itself onto the center of his back, he surged upward, helping Ladybug to spring into the air above him. Time seemed to slow, as they reached the point of their routine that neither of them had been able to manage in their previous attempts.

After vaulting off her partner's back, Lady was supposed to swivel in the air and whip her yo-yo out at the imagined enemy before landing. Meanwhile, Chat was responsible for swatting any projectiles out of her airspace, all the while preparing himself to catch her before she hit the ground. Needless to say, it was that last bit that seemed to give them the most trouble.

As she arched into the air, Ladybug grabbed at her weapon, twisting her body to face the straw dummy they had managed to set up a few paces away. Quick as a shot, she flung her hand out, the end of her yo-yo zipping towards its target.

Her aim was true, but there was no time for celebration, as Ladybug quickly felt her body hurtling back towards the ground. I'm counting on you now, Kitty.

At her approach, the boy squared his stance. He knew no amount of apology on his part could redeem him if he managed to somehow drop her for the seventh time. Chat grasped at the falling heroine, quickly wrapping his arms around her waist and jerking her descent to a stop. Ladybug slid down his side, the duo almost toppling over before righting themselves.

The reaction was delayed. Finally, two held breaths were released and blue eyes met green in a triumphant flash. Ladybug extracted herself from Chat's embrace, planting her hands on the sides of her head with a dazed look. Her partner just danced around, yeowling like the alley cat he was into the previously quiet night.

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