One Night

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She stared at the night sky counting the twinkling lights that scatter throughout the heavens up above. It was impossible for her to count the stars but she found it therapeutic, as it ease her mind from her chaotic thoughts.

She knew that by next week she would be counting the stars as a recent high school graduate. To be honest, the thought of that scared Maya. That suddenly you are no longer a child but now an adult in the real world.

But she had some comfort in that thought because Mr. Matthews had been preparing them for this day. She gratefully smiled at the thought.

She look once more at the stars wondering if he saw them too. Sighing at the thought, she went to bed.

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At the sound of her alarm ringing for the fourth time, she woke up in panic. She was going to be late, meeting up with Riley before school.

As swiftly as possible she got ready, said bye to her mother and Shawn, grabbing a muffin before heading for school.

She quietly munch on the banana nut muffin scanning the neighborhood. It was the beginning of autumn and she could see some of leaves turning into hues of red and yellow. She made a mental note that it be perfect for her to paint the scenery.

"I hope I am not to late pumpkin."

"Actually you are 3 minutes ahead of schedule. Wow, new record." Riley joked.

"Well thank you, I do try. So why am I here again?" Maya asked.

"You are helping me and the rest of ASB set up and decorate the gym for the Goodbye rally." Maya suddenly regrets agreeing but anything for her best friend.

"Hooray!" Maya said a bit unenthusiastic as the pair walked towards their friends.

"Aww why are you sad Maya?" Zay said.

"You know why flat butt."

"She tricked you into helping too. I even told myself I would not fall for her puppy eyes this time but they get me every time. Man, I do not know how you do it Lucas." Zay asked.

"Me? I fall for it all the time. I mean look at her." Lucas pointed at his girlfriend doing her puppy eyes.

"As someone who had trouble understanding feelings, this definitely wants me to give you a big bear hug." Smarkle said giving Riley a hug.

"I agree. Guys group hug!" Farkle said looking at us as we engulfed Riley in a hug.

"Aww guys I feel the love. Okay that is a little bit too much love."

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During art, Maya decided she would paint the scenery of her street as her art final. Surely as Mr. Jackson's favorite student she would let her paint that as her final.

"As much I want to say yes, I am going to say no." Mr. Jackson said.

"No?" It was a surprise for Maya.

"Maya, I know you are capable of painted something better than trees during fall. I want something that screams out your emotions and how you feel about something or someone. I expect your final by Friday." Mr. Jackson walked back to his desk and left a stunned Maya at her desk.

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Maya was distracted all morning long, trying to find the perfect piece to paint for her final, which was worth thirty five percent of her grade.

"Peaches? Are you okay?" Her best friend asked worried.

"Yeah, sorry, what were you saying?"

"Okay, if you so. But as I was saying Josh is coming back from California..." As soon as she heard his name, her heart started to beat fast.

One Night ➶ JoshayaWhere stories live. Discover now