Losing Friends

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~~And we were best friends, to the very end

No one could break us, no one could chain us

At least that's what I thought~~

 Honestly, losing friends sucks. When you notice people slowly pulling away from you or talking to you less, the first person we blame is ourself. We think that something is wrong with us and that's why we are no longer friends with the person. We make ourselves believe that it is our fault. That idea couldn't be farther from the truth. In life, you are going to lose a lot of friends. It's just the way thinks work. You no longer click with certain people anymore, and that's fine. You both are growing and changing. You both are developing new hobbies and new values in life, and you find that their values are no longer compatible to yours. As you grow up, you're going to make and lose a lot of friends. Most of your friends now won't be your friends in a year or two. But that's okay because throughout the time you will be making new friends. So don't worry or blame yourself if you find yourself drifting from a close/old friend. It's not your fault, you've tried to hold on to the friendship, but sometime's all you can do is let go and see what happens. You can't keep putting effort and wasting your time on something that wasn't met to be. It's good to try, but not to the extent where you are putting your on self on hold. That is when you let go. You will be fine, you will make new friends, and somewhere along the way it will stop hurting.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2013 ⏰

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