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      The grass swayed peacefully in the Early light of dawn. Green-leaf was always the hottest season, bringing the sun out earlier than normal. Most of the clan was still sleep. The black she-cat stepped out from the undergrowth, stepping in the dimly lit clearing.

      She looked around, realizing how much the mist showed. Mist surrounded the confused she cat. She looked up, suddenly, the few sunbeams grew into great bright light. The mist sparkled in the light. Suddenly all she could here was her name.

"Crowstar... Crowstar..." She heard.

      Crowstar stared in astonishment as a starry outline strode towards her. "Crowstar, I have a message for you." The cat meowed. Crowstar nodded, still gaping at the cat. The mist still swirled around her, and the white light was blinding.

Then, WHAM, cold air buffeted her fur. Crowstar shrank back in fear. Her neck fur rose and started bristling. Then, the wind softened, now just a gentle breeze. Crowstar straightened her body back up.

She began to pad away, but she heard the voice again. Crowstar... Crowstar... The voice was faint, like it was getting carried away by the wind.

      Crowstar, here my words. Dazzling mist will shine in bright light, blinding the smoke, bracken, and reeds that threaten the forest.

      The breeze stopped blowing all together. The air was calm. The mist had disappeared, and the sunlight barely showed through the leaves once again.

Crowstar walked into camp, deep in thought. She looked up, squinting her eyes at the sunlight. Her deputy, Oakpelt, stood before her, a stern look on his face, but she could see a glint of relief and worry in his eyes.

"Crowstar! Where were you? Everyone was worried!" he mewed.

"Don't worry, I was just having a walk."

"Well, at least you're safe."

"Yes, now I suggest you put together today's patrols." Crowstar mewed. Oakpelt dipped his head and scampered off.

      Crowstar played the mysterious StarClan cat's message in her head. Is it true? she thought. Dazzling mist will shine in bright light, blinding the smoke, bracken, and reeds that threaten the forest.

A/N: I pretty much just copy and pasted the last prologue but changed the prologue and fixed spelling errors ^_^ ~Misty

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