Chapter 6 - Making a Clown of Myself

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Chapter 6 – Making a Clown of Myself

Ever since I was little I wanted to be a clown. They made it all look so easy, juggling bright balls around. When I became an adult I realized that joining the circus is a fruitless dream. What I really wanted was to be able to juggle, not balls, but my life. I wanted to be able to handle my career, my living arrangements, and my romantic situation all on one hand. Needless to say, I would make a bad juggler and I have yet to wear a red nose.


Ben chewed his lip and suppressed a grin. "Yeah, of course, tonight sounds great," He nodded even though he knew the other person couldn't see him. The man sat, dressed for work, in his kitchen. "Bye," Ben clicked the phone off and slid it into his pocket.

Colby tilted her head and smiled. "Looks like someone has a hot date tonight, please tell me it is with that man meat surfer guy. I would love to jump his bones. You really hit it big with him Ben." Colby flipped through a recipe book looking for the perfect pie.

"I know, I did hit it big with him." Ben stood up in a pompous fashion like a child boasting about how is six and a half years old. "He is sweet too; everything about Seth is just perfect. He is perfect you know."

"No Ben, no one is perfect," Gwen came into the kitchen in her bathrobe. She had a neon green bathrobe with purple spots. Her hair was disheveled and her mascara was smudged. "They are all trash and every little princess like Colby, you and I that thinks they have found their prince charming…lies, Disney lies to girls like us." Gwen stomped over to the fridge and pulled out a carrot from the crisper. She sat down and munched on it.

"Disney does lie, you know in the real stories the Little Mermaid died, and the Beast killed Belle." Colby noted her eyes wide at her findings. "I did some research after we had our little Disney craze, I am glad that's over."

"Lies, you know what else is a lie?" Gwen stood up having finished her carrot. "Howard, my muscular black British man Howard is a lie." Gwen burst out seeing only a broken world. "He told me last night that he is only nineteen. That makes me…" Gwen gulped afraid to speak. "His damn sugar mama,"

Colby and Ben could tell that Gwen had something on her mind. They couldn't believe that what she uttered was true. In a way the idea of Gwen with a younger man didn't surprise them much either. They both cracked up and slammed their heads into the rutty old plastic kitchen table. Colby and Ben found it hard to take their cynical friend seriously.

"Sure you guys can laugh about it now, but when he finds out how old I am that I am just an old maid." Gwen paused to think of all the fabulous sex she would miss out on. "I need time to recuperate so I called in sick today."

"Oh, I will stay home and help make you better Gwen," Colby offered she wanted to bake a pie really badly. "That old woman I think just hired me for someone to talk to. She won't mind if I call in sick."

"No, both of you need to go to work today." Gwen pointed her finger from Colby to Ben. "I don't want you being happy around me today. Today is a day of mourning a day for sadness and despair."

"Then I guess that means we should get going." Ben tugged Colby up and they got ready. He knew what would happen if Colby stayed. She would be like a bumblebee humming and getting on Gwen's nerves. Ben put on his new jacket and left the apartment. Colby followed behind him into the elevator. The hallway had a dusty smell to it as they waited for the elevator. The door slid open and both of them stepped inside.

"Oh, don't expect me home tonight," Ben said a smug look on his face. He still hadn't gotten over the fact that he had the perfect guy right in his pocket.

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