When The Rain Surprises

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The rain hit the ground like someone was trying to wash away the world.

Fennie looked out through her bedroom window, her mother wouldn't be home until late that evening. Her mother had been away on a trip for a few days and Fennie had had to take care of their small farm all alone. But she liked the few hens and the two sheep they had. They even had a little pony called Duxy. Duxy was Fennie's only friend around here, their farm was far enough in the country side.

The closest village was a few hours away on horseback away. If you walked it took half a day. But if the weather was nice it could be really enjoyable to walk. Then you could stay at her grandma's for the night and walk back the next day if you didn't need to be home that night already.

Thinking about her grandma reminded Fennie that she had to visit her today. She glanced one last time out into the pouring rain before getting up from the windowsill. She walked out of her room, which was also their kitchen, and out to the hall. She grabbed her sheepskin coat that would hold the water away for a short while at least.

She walked out through the door and locked it behind her, she would be back home before her mother and even if she weren't there was a spare key only she, her mother and grandma knew about. She ran over to the small stable that Duxy and the sheep shared.

"Duxy, my love, we're going out for a small ride in the rain." Fennie continued to speak with the little pony as she but the bridle on the pony's head. She decided against taking the blanket they used as a saddle since it would only get completely wet and riding bareback would keep them both warmer. She opened the door of the box and led the pony outside, locking the stable doors with the same key. She got up on Duxy's back and rode away.

Fennie and Duxy had come maybe half an hour along the way when suddenly the rain got a hundred times worse. Fennie could no longer see in front of her and could barely see Duxy's ears. She had been drenched already by the rain but didn't freeze, even though it was already autumn the rain was still surprisingly warm.

Fennie's mother heard the storm break out right over her. She was at a big market, trying to get their goods sold and tried to find the things she needed to buy for them.

She hoped her angel was alright back at home. Fennie was like an angel for her mother, a wonderful gift. Fennie was the most beautiful and precious thing to her. She was special, anyone could see it. Fennie wasn't an ordinary child. Sometimes there was this glow around Fennie as if she wasn't from this world.

Her mother hoped Fennie was careful when she went to visit grandma and that she did not stray from the path. She could not bare to lose her.

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