Chapter 5 Death Wish

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The best question to ask yourself is
1. "Am I ready to die?"
If your answer is 'no' then the second is question
2. "When will I be ready to die"

Not yet, give me 25 years
And at least by then I'll be a bit ready.

I hope you didn't say that you wanna die now.

Appreciate life. Im sure by now you know that life is unpredictable. You might die tomorrow or today or NOW. No really I'm serious you might not make it to the next minute. I dont want you to fear living, I just want to remind you that life is unpredictable.

Since you don't know when you are going to die. Why don't you have fun while you still alive. I don't mean you should drink, party, smoke, sleep around and not care about the consequences. No YOLO type of things please. What i mean is that enjoy the perks of life.

Enjoy being happy and exuberant, being miserable and depressed. Pain from depression grows you more than it hurts you. Enjoy having strengths and weaknesses. Enjoy success and failure. Enjoy getting friends and losing them. Enjoy being financially stable and being broke. Basically enjoy the good and bad things in life.

It might sound crazy but when I get disappointed. Of course it's sad but
it's a nice'ish experience. I mean
this is life what was I expecting.
Not saying I want to get
dissapointed every single day
of my life

You have a chance of living and experiencing. So LIVE. You don't
want to die a grumpy person.

You might not have the things you wanted but you can make the best from what you have. What you have now is not all that you'll ever have. With hard work and definitely patience, you will get what you want or deserve.

Thanks for reading. Shoutout to Eulenda Tshaba😘

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