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Breathe in.

Breathe out.

An unending chain of commands meant to keep me alive.

I might as well be nonexistent. Dead.

Ah, Death.

An event altogether unknown.

A road never before traveled by those around me.

An experience offering an escape from this

Monotonous droning on of a sensation most call Life.

Death might just prove to be my lifesaver.

And yet this beast has a hold on my being.

I want to escape its clutch but if I do,

Will death really be better?

Who am I kidding, what could be worse than this?

I think I have life and yet have none at all.

My fear is keeping me from letting go.

My fear that death may actually be the end of me.

But I have to escape. I have to.

I can’t stay locked in this endless cycle.

I have to find another form of life.

And if that means putting an end to this game of waiting,

Of standing still until Death catches up with me,

Then so be it.

So here I go.

I take hold of the tube that sustains me.

My lungs suck in their last gulp of stale, purposeless air…

And I yank.

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