where is the love

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Where’s the love? (learn to love yourself)


When you think that you’re ugly

Better think twice girl,

So I have this mole right here, well not only one but more than one. J

So, when I was like a kid, well, I’m still a kiddo tday! Anyway, back when I were I young, I used to always complain about these moles on my cheeks and I think they really look horrible, well they’re not that horrible, they look like normal dots put on my face. But still, I feel so different and ugly because of those moles I’m talking about. But now, I realized that these moles make me different from others and that’s what my identity is, that’s what makes me unique and that’s what makes me, me. So I decided not to make a big deal about my mole, ignore those critiques and start living life to the fullest. Duh? Yolo! XD


Well, I am an idiot too. And I’m telling you that. Well, since I’m in section one, the pressure’s too high and the teachers are expecting us to be always ahead and they always expect us to deal with the lessons faster than other students can. They always expect us to be the wisest and the mr. and ms. Know it all. All of them expects high grades from us, but of course, us being teens, we want to live the good life while were young by sometimes just chilling and hanging out with our friends and just eat and laugh and eat and laugh and have fun. But because we need to always be on top, we’re in great pressure, especially when it comes to me and when it comes to math. Well I really suck at math and i can’t deny that fact. I’m always pressured about it and I can’t find a way to cope up with our daily lessons, so being in section one, of course, well all of my classmates, they always get a high score, well  except for me, and I always get ashamed if that. It’s like you don’t belong with the group, it’s like I’m the only dumb person. But soon, I studied hard so that I can cope uP with the lessons., I strived to get a high score. And finally, it worked. So I really believe that when you strive hard for a certain thing and you focus your attention on it, you certainly will get the hang of it. l what you gotta do is, prove them wrong, and make a difference! Everybody makes mistakes, cause nobody’s perfect. Right? J



Heaven and earth fell on your face! Destiny slapped you! Oh well! All I can say, get over it! You’re way off better without him. Well I’m gonna share something to yah. My version of the story, when your crush rejects you. Well I was once dumped by this cutie in school. Of course, not dumped as in, dumped, dumped, dumped, well it’s the same with rejected isn’t it? Anyways, here’s the situation, so see I like this guy from school, and he’s my friend, actually my close friend, until… he knew about what I feel towards him, well I don’t know who’s this snake that told him about it and caused me to lose a friend, and a crush at the same time, loose my world, my life and my everything. Well I’m not obsessed with this guy, it’s just that when where we’re already close, that’s the time this snake showed up and spoiled the truth to my close friend. Well after he knew about it, or about the truth, he started avoiding me, never texted me, never ate lunch with me, never greeted me and never e-mails me anymore. I was so sad, mad and lonely for some time. But after my loneliness, I realized that being so miserable is just a waste of time, I’ve wasted my time on being so miserable that I forgot that there are better persons surrounding me. And that’s how I got over my crush rejecting me. I learned to be a better person and a better friend to everybody. And I also realized that he’s not my world! Cause I can rock in my own world, with, or without him! \m/ :D


“YOU CANNOT PLEASE EVERYBODY,SOMEONE WILL ALWAYS SEARCH FOR SOMETHING WRONG IN YOU.” Got that saying from my mom. Haha. anyways, have you ever experienced being bashed? And being criticized? Well, it’s normal. But sometimes things may get worse and go outta control. Like what I have witnessed ine time. There’s a girl named *censored* who wrote a story in a famous website. Once, she loved reading comments from her readers, but of course, you can never always expect good comments to come from other people. Like what I have mentioned earlier, you can never please everybody so let it be. Once, she received a comment from a reader, “this writer sucks”. Of course as a human being, it is normal for her to get mad, because the one who wrote that comment is saying something bad about the passion of the girl. So instead of being down, the girl continued and developed her passion in spite of the haters that wrote those nasty things on her blog.  LIVE AND LET LIVE GAWIN MO GSTO ANG GUSTO MO AS LONG AS YOU’RE NOT HURTING SOMEONE. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO LIVE. EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO LIVE. JUST BE TRUE TO WHO YOU ARE. BOOM!

End. Fin.

With confidence, there is nothing you can’t achieve! You go girl! J

Your best friend,

Vianca ®Q <3

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