It's Looking Up For Harry...Well Maybe?

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A/N: This Chapter Written By Ash

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A/N: This Chapter Written By Ash

Harry's POV

The lads went out to get me some protection but I don't have money to pay them back.  I feel like such a charity case, a wimp that can't take care of myself.  They helped me get cleaned up and I know they probably seen my buries and scares from where my father that's not even worthy being called one, what he had afflicted a pond me.  I want to tell Louis, I feel the most comfortable with him but still don't know how he'd take it.

"Haz...where are you?" Louis called with a cute nickname he started calling me.

"I'm in the bedroom." I answered back. We all stayed in the same room which made it more difficult to have more to myself but the lads have been really nice all except Zayn.

They came in to see tear stains on my face and all had the I feel sorry for you look, it made me feel so helpless. Louis came up and gave me a warm hug as I buried my face into his shoulder. I saw that Louis motion the lads to leave and I wonder what it could be. What if they've been kind to only turn around and break the news that I'm being kicked out of the band.

"Haz...can I ask you something?" Louis said, now knowing they're letting me go.

"Sure...I guess." now in tears, scared of Louis.

"How come you have all those bruises on you...and the scares that are pretty massive size on your back...and why you have no money for essential things to protect you?" Louis questions were almost as bad as kicking me out but I know that's coming next and then I'll have two disappointment to add on to.

"Ahhh...I was physically bullied as a kid and that I felt I couldn't take it anymore...leaving me with two choices; stay and be abused or leave to live on the streets...I chose to live on the streets because it was the better out of the two...unfortunately." I bashfully said with my head facing the ground. I didn't want to tell that my father wasn't much help either because he was just as abusive as the kids at school, and probably more.


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" poor thing...come here." Louis was shocked to say the least, embracing me in a hug, with tears flowing down his face.  I was bawling on his shoulder, letting every emotional I had in me out.  I didn't care that after we settle back down from this crying fest, that he was going to tell me that I'm a lost cause and to leave.  He provided comfort that had been ages since I had some.

"I know you probably think of me as a weak little baby and I'll understand if you want to kick me out of the band." I continued to ramble on until Louis stop me, here comes the thing I've been dreading.

"Stop...Haz why do you think because you my have some issues from your past that we'll kick you me I've had problems too as a kid...might've not been physically abused but words hurt too...I'll be here to protect you from anymore hear me."  Louis explained as he hugged me again.

All I could do was nodded and continue to say thank you.  He smile knowing that I was happy and that he could watch over me.

* Practice for Live Show *


The boys were first to run through with the vocal coach.  They were singing "My Life Would Suck Without You" and it was a song that Harry wasn't too familiar with; living on the streets and being not allowed to have any pleasure things as child cause him to be lost on most songs.  The other boys knew the song and were getting it right away, making Harry feel he was dragging the band down.  He keep stumbling on the words and messing up.  Louis gave him a look of sorrow as he could tell how hard Harry was trying. 

They took a five minute break to go use the toilet or get a drink of water.  Harry decided to hide away in the restroom, afraid to face the boys, knowing he was a failure.   Harry saw it was about time for the break to be up and as he was heading back, Zayn stopped him dead in his tracks.

"Listen better straighten up because this whole baby act your pulling isn't fooling me like the rest of the lads...your sixteen years old and need to learn to grow up and not being having accidents like a two year old...I know you're faking so drop the act...don't mess up my one chance of freedom to get my name put in lights." Zayn yelled so angry at Harry he thought he was going to hit him but he didn't.  Zayn knew that would leave a mark and didn't feel like explaining things to the other boys. 

Harry was so scared that he was going to ruined this for the boys that he struggled with his toilet problem, having accidents all night. He didn't ask any of the boys for help because he felt Zayn was right, having accidents is for babies and if he wanted to be seen as mature like the other boys he has to handle this on his own.

*Next Day During Final Sound Check*

Harry's POV

I was so stressed this week with a new song that I don't know very well, trying to hang in their for the lads. Having hardly any sleep because of the wetting of my bed all night. I'm trying to act mature for the lads so I'm worthy to be in this band but I feel so weak and helpless. It's becoming too hard to cope with this stress.

I'm starting to feel sick, like my head was on a cloud floating away.  But I shook my head trying to escape the clouds that were trying to engulf me into their embrace.  I have to show I'm strong and can handle anything is what I keep repeating in my head.  It seemed to help until it was my solo was approaching.  I started to feel my heart start to race like it could burst out of my chest.  My stomach felt like someone was squeezing it till there was nothing left.  Sweat began to roll down my face and my hands start to shake.  My vision started to become disoriented, not really knowing what's going on.  I felt a hand touch my shoulder but couldn't see who was but if I had a go it'd be Louis from his soft touch.  I was about to turn to the person, when my chest started hurting causing me to become short of breath which resulted in me choking.  I fell to my knees, dropping the microphone in my hand; know I'll have to figure out how to repay them for the damage.  My sight blurred more as I tried my best to take in air.  But it wasn't helping and soon found myself giving into to clouds, pulling me into the vision of darkness.  The last thing I remember was falling into Louis' arms as he coaxed me to stay awake but I failed as usual, saying goodbye to the light and welcoming the darkness.

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