Let the Shipping Games Commence

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Before we get started, I'd like to thank BlackCanary17 for the positive feedback on the story! Thanks to everyone who's reading this, I never thought this many people would read this story! :D

Also, any song suggestions?

Your point of view
"So Nath," I said as the credits to the movie we were watching played. "I think we should play...THE SHIPPING GAMES! MAY THE ODDS BE EVER WITH YOUR SHIP!!"

He gave me a quizzical look. "What are the Shipping Games?"

"Well...you know how Alya, Nino, Adrien, and Mari all shipped us?"


"Well we should get them together! Adrienette and DJWifi!" I exclaimed happily. "What do you say? It would be a fun couple activity! And we could go on triple dates! And-"

"Okay, okay, let's do it."

"YAAAAYYYYY!!!!" I yelled, pulling him into a hug. "Merci, mon amour!" He kissed me on the forehead and then we broke apart from each other. "So how are we going to do it?"

     He shrugged. "You're the one who knows so much about this 'shipping games' stuff," he said.

"Touché," I replied. "I think we should try to get them to go to the next school dance together."

"That's it?" Nath was clearly unimpressed.

"Yes. That's it. They'll do most of the work for themselves. We just have to push them to ask each other out and watch the master plan play out. It'll be a piece of cake! By the way, do you have any idea when the next school dance is?"

"Sounds alright, I guess. Homecoming is coming up next week, so these Shipping Games are right around the corner."

      "And I assume we're attending the homecoming dance together?"

      "Of course! Who else would I be going with?"


"So Mari, who are you going to attend homecoming with?" I asked her. It was the day after the Shipping Games had begun and we were eating lunch.

She blushed a bit. "Well, I'd like to go with Adrien, but I'm kind of scared to ask him."

"Why? Are you scared he'll reject you? He seriously likes you, Mari! I know he does!"

"Really?" She asked, applying the ever-so-famous skepticles. "Skepticles."

"I'm serious! You should ask him! And if he says no-which is not going to happen, I assure you-you can come over to my house and eat more than your weight in ice cream!"

She shrugged. "Seems like a good deal to me."

"So it's a deal?" I asked, holding out my hand for her to shake and wishing it would burst into blue flames like Bill Cipher right about now...

"Sure!" She exclaimed and shook my hand.

"Great! Have some deer teeth!" I shouted and threw marshmallows at her.

"Um...I'm just going to go now...um, bye?" She quickly scuttled away from me, leaving her lunch on the table for me to clean up.

"Great," I muttered unhappily and cleaned up her mess and my marshmallows.

Then Nathanaël nearly gave me a heart attack when he suddenly came up behind me and gave me a hug. I jumped up and almost punched him in the nose.

Abeille Joune: Nathanaël X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now