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"Hey" he said he's voice strained probably from the show.I was shocked wondering what he was doing here but I managed to reply "hey" I said my voice sounding kind if drained. " you seemed the youngest here and you seemed down what's up ?" He asked.
I was actually the youngest I was 17 I had just finished highschool and apparently my body was 'model worthy' I had struggled from bulimia when I was 14 till last year when my parents sent me to a 'rehab' which was basicly a hospital.
" just a bit sick" I replied. Before he could could utter another word I took of to the bathroom. I was kneeling next to the toilet puking my guts out jaden ran after me he stood behind me tapping my back. "Its not like you have bulimia" he laughed.
Before I could answer him one of their staff members came in with a powder dissolved in water. " it's not a relapse is it?" Rio asked ( the staff)
" no" I answerd irritation clear in my voice " I'm actually sick " with that I tied my hair into a high ponytail. I told kyla I'm leaving took my keys and was about to drive off when I saw jaden flagging me down. "Can I please have your number?" He asked in a low mono-tone voice. After considering it for a few seconds I told him he can get it from kyla and drove off.

Next chapter will involve a lot of texting please comment and press that little star thing at the bottom of your screen ( to all 10 people reading this book )

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