1. before

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The girl on top is what Jae Hee looks like ^

Working the night shift isn't as bad as most people make it seem. It's actually calming, and there's never a crowd. Sometimes it does get a little creepy, y'know with it being dark and everything but I guess it's okay.

"Earth to Jae Hee, are you even paying attention?" My manager said to me causing me to be snapped from my thoughts. Blushing from embarrassment I nodded and looked up at her.

"I'm leaving early due to family problems can I leave it up to you to close up for the night?" I nodded and smiled as she thanked me walking away.

Sighing I wiped down the tables in the now noiseless coffee shop. This is the times where it would get lonely, but I'm use to it. Going to the back I picked up the trash bags and went outside to where the dumpster was placing it inside, I wiped my hands on my shirt and started to walk back inside.

The sound of something cracking made me turn around immediately only to see nothing. Shrugging it off I went back inside. Yeah, these are the reasons why it's sometimes creepy.


Quickly going back to my hiding spot I watched as she walked back inside. So close.

"She's so beautiful.." I mumbled under my breath as I looked down at the picture I took of her a few weeks ago. Slipping it back in my pocket, I headed back to the car getting inside.

"Did you see her?" Jungkook asked with a smug grin on his face. Shaking my head no he sighed and shook his head for which seems like the million time.

"I don't know why you like her so much, she's alright I guess. Plus, it's been 2 months already and you still haven't done anything yet. I think you should just g-." Before he could finish his sentence I put my hand over his mouth as I watched her walk out the shop and to her car.

"Follow her." I said as I let go of his mouth. "Hurry!" I repeated as her car drove off into the traffic. Starting the car he mumbled something to himself and drove off.

"I'm gonna get her soon."

Miss Prisoner - Kim Taehyung (bts)Where stories live. Discover now