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I was laying in bed watching a movie, trying to fall asleep when he came in. He smiled at me and took his clothes off. He always sleeps in just his boxers.

He climbs into the bed with me, "Hey babe" He whispered into my ear. I know what he's doing. We've played this game so many times before. I just smile in response.

I don't feel like doing this right now; it's late, I'm tired, I have work tomorrow. He wouldn't accept any of my excuses, that's all they were anyway, excuses.

He started nibbling on my ear and leaning closer to me, his breathing hot and thick.

I giggle, surprised he doesn't realize how fake it sounds. He creates a light trail of kisses across my cheek, landing on my lips where he kisses me hard. That chubby tongue of his weaving around my mouth. I kiss him back, of course, what girlfriend wouldn't.

His breathing picks up and I glide my hand down his torso, dancing my fingers along.

I forcefully take hold of his hard erection. He lets out a slight moan and reaches his hand up my shirt, flicking my nipple and squeezing my breast in his own rhythm. My hand moves up and down on his erection, I can feel him getting more turned on by the second. His breathing shallow and fast, his kissing hard and deep. His tongue shoots in and out so far I feel that I could choke on it. His hand moves from my breast to between my legs and he scoots so that he's practically on top of me now. I can feel his erection on my leg, I keep my pace and continue rubbing. His fingers rub between my legs. I hope I can get him off before he tries anything more. I slide his boxers down some and grab his erection skin on. He smiles and buries his face in my neck, kissing and biting me. I fasten the speed of my hand and feel his body tense as thick, warm liquid hits my leg and drips down my thighs. He lays still for a moment, basking in his pleasure, smiling. I smile and kiss him.

"Love you." He mouths as I get up and head to the bathroom. I grab a washcloth and dampen it, rubbing my thigh vigorously. That sticky, thick liquid is always hard to scrub off. When I get my leg well enough clean I look at my reflection in the mirror. The same mirror I've looked in for years, day after day. I had always loved this house, especially this mirror. I remember when we went to Ikea and I found it, I was in love immediately; Theo had to buy it for me, and of course he did. He always bought me what I wanted. I couldn't complain. Theo and I had been together for five years, ever since senior year in high school. He was amazing to me and I always thought we were so in love, like nothing could ever tear us apart.

Yet, for the past two weeks every time he wanted to get sexual I'd wish it was anyone but him. My mind wonders to men I have passed on the streets, to Theo's own friends, sometimes even good looking girls I had seen. I feel I would show them how dirty I could be in bed. The thought makes me smile, I catch myself and shake my head. I need to get these thoughts to go away. Why can't I enjoy the life I have, the one I always felt so comfortable and loved in?

"Millie?" Theo calls from the bed.

"Coming babe. I was just cleaning up." I turn the bathroom light off and head back to the bed.

The rest of the night and the next day where the same as always, Theo going to work and me cleaning the house while he's gone. I called my friend Lexa and asked her to come out with me tonight. I wanted a night to breath, to feel free and be someone different. Maybe this could get me out of my so-called funk.

Once night fell Lexa was in my driveway honking the horn of her red Fiat. I rushed down the stairs and out the door, swinging my coat around my shoulder on the way. I had made sure I wore my tightest, shortest black dress and my hair and makeup was done to the T.

Lexa whistled as I got in the passenger seat and clicked the belt.

"You're looking sexy tonight girl!" She hollered and sped the way to the club.

Lexa looked good herself, she wore a dress equally as tight and short as mine, only her's was red and sparkly. Lexa was single and she definitely knew how to mingle.

The night blurred together as we danced and drank drink after drink. One, Two, Three jagerbombs down. More dancing. Men where buying us shots and grinding on us all night. The air was thick and smoky. I was sweaty and my hair was sticking to my neck and face, my makeup, no doubt, was running. Lexa never left my side and I saw her making out with a few men. One man in particular had been dancing with me for awhile, he was tall and had dark hair. It was too dark in the club to really see someone's face but I'm sure he wasn't ugly. He bought me more shots, four? I don't remember. The room started spinning.

I woke up feeling cold, Why am I so cold? I shivered and looked around, my head pounding and my thoughts confused.

"Oh shit" I gasped as I realized I was naked, with only a thin sheet covering one of my legs. I jerked up the sheet, covering the rest of me. I eyed the space from side to side studying where I was. It was a studio apartment, kind of messy. There was a window open, that must be why I'm so damn cold.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back, trying to remember anything I could about last night. My head pounded more when I tried to think. I hated blacking out. It was the worst and I hadn't actually done it in a while.

I hadn't noticed the noise of the shower until I heard it click off. What had I done? I don't know where I am or who is here. I started to get panicked, had I taken my fantasies too far last night?

I felt the acid burning the back of my throat, I gagged and gagged again before I was able to swallow it down. The foul taste lingered on my tongue.

"Well good morning darling!" A familiar girl's voice rang as she stepped out of the bathroom. My body relaxed as I realized I was in good company.

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