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Rose *_today we get our team*

Naruto *hope u are on my team rose *

Rose * me to

sasuke - i want her on my team to tema 

rose - i hope u both are on my team better then pink hair slut load mouth 

Sakura* what did you call me freak

Rose * good shut up

( Rose get up about to punch sakura but iruka  comes in )

Iruka*alright class I will announce teams *

( rose tuned  out as iruka  call out teams )

Iruka *team 7 rose hatak  sasuke and naruto  uchiha and sakura and you will all me your sencie  after lunch

( I got lazy you all know the other teams )

( the Bell ring for lunch  and Rose and sasuke and naruto  go to each lunch together )

Rose * seem we're are all on the same team

Naruto* yahoo  I'm so happy

Sasuke* me to I got my best friend and brother

Sakura* great I got the freak and demon

( Rose ignored sakura as the bell to return to class rings and all the student  walk back into calls one bye one the group  leave with there sencie  only team 7 is left )

Naruto* where is he

Rose * he is probably sleeping

( at the hatak  house  )

Kakashi * crap  my team

( kakshi  hurry  to get dressed and run  to the school as he opens the door he is punched  hard bye his daughter )

Rose * father don't be late again

Kakashi * g.. G.. Got meet me to the roof

( kakashi  disappeared in a cloud of smoke and rose naruto  sasuke walk to the roof leaving sakura )

( on the roof )

Kakashi* introduced your self

Sakura " you first sencie 

Kakashi * my name is kakashi hatak  I like a lot if thing and dislike a lot alright you pinky

( he point to sakura )

Sakura * I like... *looks at sasuke * my dream * keeps looking at sasuke * I hate Rose bitch  and the demon

Kakashi  * you will not call my daughter or naruto  names got it

Sakura * y... Y.. Yes

Kakshi * next Blondie

( kakashi point to naruto )

Naruto * my name is  naruto uchiha  I like my family and dango  I dislike my biology family my dream is to be hocagay

Kakshi  *,  alright emo

( he point to sasuke )

Sasuke * I am sasuke uchiha I like my family and naru  and I hate his family and I want to be the best abu  and serve under my brother

Kakshi* alright last but not least female version  of me

( kakshi point to Rose )

Rose * my name is Rose hatak I like my friend I dislike the hocagy  and his family and sakura

Kakshi * know that is out if the meet me at training ground 7 tomorrow do not eat If you do you will puke

Rose * dad staying at the uchiha 

Kakshai * alright see yea tomorrow

( kakshai dissaper  and naruto sasuke and Rose goes to the uchiha house and leave sakura )

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