It seemed like he had just done the new movie media circus, parade of premieres and interviews with The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug where he quickly tired of repeating the same answers to the same questions ("how does one prepare to play a dragon?") and explaining to journalists over and over again that he didn't just do the voice ("I also did motion capture") but here he was, on his way to another premiere. At least this one was a bit smaller.

Sherlock wasn't a movie, but the mini-movie quality episodes garnered such a following that a small premiere-type party complete with red carpet seemed entirely appropriate for it. Benedict sighed as his chauffeured car raced through the well-lit streets of London towards the event and his publicist, Karon, spouted last minute details about that evenings schedule and what press would be there. He only casually listened but mostly he watched the streets and lights and people speed by. He could tell they were close as the volume of people increased, some even wearing long coats, dark blue scarves, dark brown ear-length wigs, and the occasional deerstalker which actually made him smile.

They pulled up to the red carpet and Ben steeled himself for the frenzy that was about to begin. The car door swung open and he stepped out to loud, ear piercing screams and a continuous flash of camera bulbs. He smiled and extended his right arm greeting the fans and press while buttoning and straightening his jade-coloured velvet suit jacket with his left. It's not that he got tired of doing this necessarily, it was that he was just plain tired. Whose idea was it to be involved in 5 major films and a major television show in 1 year? Oh right...his. Karon directed him to the press line where he began a very familiar routine. Although he was tired, he was unregrettably happy about his work this year. Everything he did was something he was really passionate about and he genuinely appreciated that people responded to his work, even though his ears coulddo without the high-pitched screaming.

That screaming was about to intensify as he crossed to the other side of the red carpet: the fan side. He grinned widely as the fans started to go wild, taking pictures and shoving things for him to sign in his direction. "Benedict!" "A picture, please?" "Benedict, sign my DVD!" was the chorus he heard. He signed and signed until his hand was beginning to cramp, posed for pictures, and fielded the occasional inappropriate comment ("will you marry me?"). He wanted to give as much as he could, after all these fans came out and waited on this very chilly winter night to support him and the rest of the cast. He was getting to the end of the line, though admittedly he hadn't been able to interact with everyone, when he heard a voice much different than the others. It was innocent, sweet, and angelic.

"Mummy, it's Sherlock! Look, it's Sherlock!"

Benedict searched for the source of the voice, using his height as an advantage. He spotted a few rows back, a little girl. She was one of the most adorable little kids he had ever seen. She looked to be about 3 or 4 and with her smooth, caramel-coloured skin, light brown eyes, curly mane, and bright smile she could have been a child model for the United Colors of Benetton. She was pointing at him from the arms of a petite woman, obviously her mother as she was the spitting image of her. Benedict was able to get the attention of those fans immediately in front of him. "Is it possible we can let this little girl through to the front, so I may say 'hello'?" he asked. The fans graciously parted to allow the little girl and her mother to the front. The woman slowly made her way forward her daughter in her arms, squeezing through the crowd excusing herself profusely until she reached the front.

Her daughter's eyes grew wide and she turned to face her. "Look, Mummy, I told you; it's Sherlock!"

"Yes, I see sweetie," she said looking from her daughter to Benedict, "Hi."

"Hello." He smiled her. "I'm Benedict." He extended his hand to her, realizing for the first time that she was actually quite beautiful.

She shifted her daughter's weight so that she could take his hand. "Melanie. And this little one is Morgan."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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