Chapter 1: How It Began

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Hello! I'm the narrator of this story and you may imagine me however you'd like. I could be British, or Australian, and maybe I'm sitting by a fire and drinking tea, or maybe I'm in a meadow on a porch drinking cider. However you may imagine me, I'm still here to tell you a great love story. Yes, you've been warned, LOVE story. Eugh, I know. Cheesy right? But I'm being paid to do this so let's get on with it, shall we?

Chapter 1: How It Began

Alex Reed was a small town girl. She was an average looking girl, surprisingly clean of pimples or braces for her age. Oh, by the way, she's 13 in this setting. Anyways, one day a friend of hers told her something that started this whole mess. Someone liked her. At first she played cool and acted like she didn't care. But she needed to know. Later that day she talked to the friend and the friend released a name: Jordan Winters. It took Alex a moment to think about who that was. Oh, yes! The nerdy kid in her Theology class. Well, I wouldn't say nerdy, but, nerdy-looking. Alex was curious to talk to him more and see what he was like, because she had never spoken to him before. So, a few days later, she DM'ed him on "Instagram" or whatever it is you kids use.

"Hi. It's Alex."

"Oh Hi."

And thus began the love story. They immediately bonded, quickly realizing just how much they had in common. They watched the same shows, so they gossiped about the actors and characters.

About 7 months later, after their bond grew so strong that they had moved to IMessage, Jordan finally had the nerve to ask her out. He had his plan ready in his head: last day of school. I'll talk to her in private, and ask her on a date. But, Jordan didn't know that Alex wouldn't be at school on the last day of summer because she was going on a road trip with her family. So, after the last day of school ended, Jordan pulled out his phone and texted Alex.

"Hey, why aren't you at school?"

"I'm on a road trip with my family, boring."

"Oh, that stinks."


"I'm sorry I didn't ask you yesterday, I didn't have the nerve...but..sometime this summer do you want to go somewhere?"

"Yeah, I'd love to!"

And so the whole summer was spent with awkward first dates and nonstop texting. After a few years they made their way to highschool where all the pimples disappeared and Jordan got even more handsome as days went by. As for Alex, she got prettier too. So, they became the schools most popular couple, leaving most jealous or happy for them. Snapchats of the two were screenshot and sent throughout their classmates saying thing such as:

Goals AF
love you two!
So cuteee!

I feel there is no need to tell any more. So, Alex and Jordan went to the same college, a film and movie school, because they both had dreams of either being an actor or filmer, maybe even both! One day Jordan got an email from a small company who wanted him in their movie. Jordan soon grew famous and Alex slowly trailing behind his fame trail as "The hot guy's girlfriend" yep, that's the title she earned. Up until one day, a company noticed her too, and wanted her to star in a new television show called "Lost Soul" which was sort of like a horror/drama/comedy show. It's actually pretty good, I've seen it myself. I'm getting off topic, Alex quickly took the offer and starred in her own tv show. In the tv show, Alex fights ghosts and other evil things with another guy, played by Mason Miller, who was once featured on the "Hottest Guys of 2016 Magazine" Now I must say, Alex had a very difficult time staying loyal to Jordan as Mason showed off his abs and muscles in one scene of the show. As the show progressed into season 3, the directors suddenly said to Alex: We wanted to do a romantic scene between Roy and Lily. (Which is the characters they play) Alex knew this was a game changer so she went home to Jordan and asked if he was ok with it. He said yes.

Worst mistake of your life Jordan Winter. Worst. Mistake.

A/N: It's actually me, the writer here! Not the narrator. Sorry this was short, there will be longer ones to come, I have a feeling this will probably not be a long book, sorry. Anywho, thanks for reading, BYE!!!

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