Goodbye and Hello

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A/N thank you for trying out my story, and I'm sorry but the updates will be slow considering the other stories I'm writing and because school is starting T-T GOMEN'NASAI (sorry) anyway please comment what you think and everything, vote and stuff like that thanks my little Insanities~~

That day... It started like any other.
I woke my 17 year old ass up, got ready in the usual routine. Shower, clothes, do hair, makeup and make sure I got everything. Went to school, and talked to my usual group of friends. Everything was fine. I go to the library like normal and read as much manga I can, considering I keep this side a secret. My obsession started when I was in the 8th grade. After I got tired of regular books.
Doing what I normally do, I stay until it was time to close. Around 5 pm, not that late, same time as usual. Walking back I noticed there wasn't much people around. Not crowded like usual, filled with many workers going or getting off work. Teens hanging out and many other random people going on with there daily lives. I started to get a creepy feeling. It was errie and felt wrong. Of course being oblivious, I shrugged it off as nothing. Taking out the house keys and open the door to reveal something I wish I hadn't. My parents dead on the couch. My little brother and sisters dead next to them. Blood filled the air, blood spilled around them in a pool. The house looked like hell. Everything was a reck. As if they were looking for something and to there distraught, went to my family. I immediately screamed. I cried, not just cried, I sobbed. My neighbors obviously hearing me came rushing, concerned. They asked what's wrong and I just pointed inside. I couldn't speak. My voice gave out from grieve. They saw what happened. Kari and her husband puked. They soon called the police. They investigated, but couldn't find anything. That very same day, my best friend committed suicide. Once agin I'm deeper in despair. She didn't even leave a note. No one, knew why, even though I'm her best friend, she didn't tell me she was depressed. I could have prevented it. Then I got a call... My boyfriend died in a car accident. Saying he was killed instantly. Everyone I loved died on the same day. The same day. The day of my birthday....

Now I'm here at the funeral, wearing a black dress. Sobbing my eyes out. Crying out.Letting the rain drench me. I don't care if I catch a cold. I go and put a black rose on each of there coffins, it's a tradition for my family.... Everyone left me. All on the same day. Somehow, I believe this wasn't an accident. I will find out who did this! And that was my resolution.

5 years later

I'm currently rewatching Naruto. I've watched it a million times. I'm just so addicted to it. That and beating the crap out of people. Haha~ I only beat the crap out of those damn ass low life's that piss me off, and oh do people piss me off so easily! Just a warning~ don't get me mad! *closed eye smile*

I trained for five years, and defeated many of the mafia gangs by myself. I trained in the art of killing. Learning every way to fight there is to know. I trained with any kind of weapon I could get my hands on. Including swords and ninja tools. I always carry a backpack on me, just for emergency escapes at anytime. With my weapons, clothes, electronics and of course bandages. You never know when your going to need it.

I'm watching the first episode when I get a splitting headache. An image pops up inside my head. Like a lost memory. A memory that was long forgotten.

This memory was a dream I had. I was only nine. It was my birthday....
I was in a forrest, with bright and lush trees. The sun was just rising. That's when I ran into him. A kid, just around four years older than me. His hair was white, and looked like it was defying gravity.But it was weird. He wore a mask, it looked like a dog. And he had a tattoo.... He asked me my name. I thought it was strange but I replied anyway, giving a closed eye smile. "Chi Seishin! What's yours?"
"Just call me Kaka-kun."
"Ok~ Kaka-kun!"

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